View Full Version : Bizarre things with pirate PSO

Feb 25, 2001, 10:52 AM
I bought the original Jap game when It was launched, two weeks later I bought the pirate PSO (japanese) then I sold my original copy to a friend that doesn't have a modem so I kept using the pirate online with the original's numbers.
But now I can see the pirate version have some estrange things, take a look:

+Things that happens:
- my HP seems to have no limits, (if someone can go above 900 w/ HUmar tell me)
- longer loading times
- some NPCs on quests says things that doesn't make sense

+Things that rarely happens:
- strange textures on enemies
- estrange mag textures when I exit a teleporter (when I start walking it goes back to normal)
- sometimes my GUild card disapears from the VMU (????)
My pirate game may be a beta or something, but as far I can play I'm satisfied.

Feb 25, 2001, 12:37 PM
Since a GD Rom is larger than a CD, during the piracy progress files are sometimes compressed or deleted entirely. I seriously doubt you have a copy of something really special. That doesn't mean you don't but I doubt it. Usually, the files that get smaller are the music files, so I may be wrong.

Feb 25, 2001, 12:53 PM
Warez are not known for their stellar quality control. It's quite possible there are currupt files on there or misnamed ones. I was thinking about getting the warez'd US release so I can store my original away but I kinda decided against it. PSO is finicky enough as it is, no point compounding the problem with an iffy copy of the game.


Feb 25, 2001, 12:59 PM

Feb 25, 2001, 03:26 PM
I bought PSO for this reason. Go get your PSO back.