View Full Version : Fanfiction: Life as a Complex Hunter

Dec 12, 2006, 05:23 PM
And just to say, yes Jonathan still in this fanfiction. But Garette, Jeremy and Liz aren't. In this fanfiction it takes about five years in the future. The other one I got bored of and just stopped on it. No one reviewed so it just acted...boring. I also learned how the format of a fanfiction should be put and I learned many other things. Anyways, Jon already killed Rile, sorry you couldn't see the death but I would've If someone at least reviewed. Well anyway, Jon says bye to his teammates, Rile is dead, the Principle retires them, all of what the the next chapters of "Jonathan's Story would've been. So again, this takes place about five years later and Jon became a pro. (He's about Level 130) and is continuing. However my Jonathan in my game of PSO Ep.1&2Plus is still level 29. But anyways let's get on with the fanfiction.

Edit: And Pioneer 44, yes he still lives there.
New Edit: Yeah, Jonathan really doesn't say bye to Garette, Jeremy, and Liz. They still are his friends but just not partners. Highlight this black box if you want to have a spoiler:
Except on this fanfiction, they are going to move out of Pioneer 44 and move to a new pioneer.
Chapter 1: Meeting Garette Again
Jonathan woke up in his bed, he was at his house where Dr. Rile and him used to live in five years ago still. Except he was in the house without his father, creator, and mentor.
Jonathan yawned before he got up from bed, and then stretched out a bit.
"Alright, time to get moving," he said to himself.
As he walked out of his house, he saw Garette, she was still looking young since it was just five years.
"Hey Garette," Jon smiled, waving his hands over to greet Garette.
"Hey Jonathan, how are you today?" Garette smiled. "I already have my own team," Garette said again without letting Jonathan a chance to talk.
"Wow really? Good for you," Jon responded to the Level 129 RAcaseal.
"Thanks, Jeremy and Liz are heading out to the Forest to have their little 'date'," Garette smiled.

"Wow, sometimes I wonder if they ever will get married," Jon laughed.
Garette laughed along and then said, "yeah, I wonder if they do. Hey, wanna meet my partners?" Garette asked smiling. "I only have two, but I know those two are very overprotective. They are my bodyguards," Garette stated, holding both hands together.
"Really? A bodyguard? But you can fight, after all you are level 129, you can just hit a Booma, Gobooma and Gigobooma in a line and they will die in just one hit, the bullet going through each one," Jon smiled.
"Yeah, but don't you remember? I have really low health so I'll need bodyguards once in a while," Garette said.
"So how's your mag?" Jonathan said, switching the subject.
"Very well, thank you for asking. Hey, do you still have those five mags along with you?" Garette asked.
"Yeah, I found them all in the Mines, they are probably still at the Check Room," Jonathan replied. "Why?"
"Because I want one, can I have at least one?" Garette requested.
"Give away one of my mags?" Jonathan thought to himself. "But they are like my babies. Guess she could..."
"Fine, you can have it," Jonathan finally said, as he went over to his Check Room and put down his pin code to access his check room stuff.
The lady gave Jonathan a small box, where Jonathan kept all his stuff to stay so his inventory won't be full.
He took out his Marutah. "You can have this one, it is in its third evolution and it could evolve once more," Jon said, giving his Marutah to Garette.
"Bye Garu," Jonathan said to his Marutah, which he gave a name to. He gives names to all his mags, his main one is Max.
"Just make sure you take good care of it," Jonathan said.
"Don't worry Jonathan, you know how much I love mags," Garette smiled.
"Good," Jon said back, closing the lid of the box and giving it back to the lady to put away. Jonathan then faced Garette. "Anyways, I think we should go trying to find Jeremy and Liz," Jonathan said.
"No, let them date in peace," Garette chuckled.
"Okay," Jonathan answered.
"Well, how do you feel about finally getting vengeance from your father?" Garette asked, patting the mag lightly, so she doesn't crush it.
"Good, I feel great after what he has done to me," Jonathan answered.
"That's good," Garette chuckled.
"So what do you want to do now?" Jonathan asked, looking around the small area of Pioneer 44, looking for something fun to do.
"Well Pioneer 44 really is too small to do anything small. There are only two rooms, one for the Check Room, Hospital, Shops and Tekker and another for everything else," Garette announced.
"I know that, how's about go to Forest area?" Jonathan asked.

"That's where Jeremy and Liz are having their dates," Garette exclaimed.
"Aww c'mon, let's just say we went there by accident..."
"No, let's just let them date in peace," Garette ordered. "Let's go to Caves instead," Garette smiled.
"Fine," Jonathan sighed, walking over to the transporter and heading over to the Caves. He sat down on the floor and Garette gave him a silly smile.
"Aw c'mon, you can't expect to fight monsters sitting down, they don't know how to activate the doors, silly," Garette chuckled walking over through the door and through another one, reaching the monster's arena.

Chapter 1: Finished

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter-Hucast on 2006-12-17 14:45 ]</font>

Dec 18, 2006, 01:30 PM

Mar 5, 2007, 09:06 PM
Chapter 2: Memory of the Caves

Seeing the Evil Sharks approaching, Jonathan swung his Halbert all around the Evil Sharks. He took a glance at Garette who was waiting for her bodyguards to come.

"Where could they be?" she asked to herself, gleaming at the Evil Sharks and shooting them one by one. Soon, her bodyguards approached. They were wearing black suits, ties and sunglasses.

"Jonathan... these are my bodyguard RAmars. This one to my left is Simon. The one to my right is Richard. Now let's continue deep down to the Caves. I want to remember who the Caves Boss was. I kinda, forgot," she giggled.

"That's Garette for ya," Jon chuckled.

"C'mon. Let's get going!" Garette said and went deeper. She came across a house. "Oh... I remember five years ago... the crazy lady's house," she said. "What was her name again? Oh yeah, Betty. Her house is all in ruins. I can't even imagine a woman who would be such vulgar!" Garette said.

"Hey, let's look around her house. I remember seeing some Mesata from her cabinet. We can use it to our advantage!" Jon said.

Garette sighed. She looked up one eye at Jon, the other down the floor. She looked at the bodyguards and looked back at Jon. "Okay..." she said.

They looked around the cabinets and drawers to find Mesata. They looked around the torture chamber and saw a whole bunch of weapons stocked up on the shelves. They took it and left the house.

"Let's get going," he said.

Garette looked at the mag over her shoulder that she has received from Jon. "Thank you for the present Jon... I love it," she whispered to herself. Looking back at Jon, she found him already going towards the new door. She ran to him and followed.

The four of them saw an area where they remembered. The time when Jon, Garette, Jeremy and Liz were still partners and they used to play. It was the area with waterfalls.

Garette smiled in that moment, in a memory that has made her think back when the group of four were partners. They parted in company since then. Jon is by himself, Garette is with her bodyguards, and Jeremy and Liz fight side-by-side.

"Hey Jon..." Garette called to him.

"Yeah," Jon said, still staring at the scenery of the waterfalls.

"Let's go on. We have to find De Rol Le!"

Jon remembered back at the joke he made long ago. Fancy name for an ugly monster!"

Garette continued on to the next door with her bodyguards. Leaving Jon behind. "We haven't been visiting the Caves lately... just the Ruins mostly," he said to himself.

He continued on with where Garette was and heard a strange noise. It sounded like Garette, but when Jon went to go see her. It seemed to see it was Garette when they last visited Caves before, when Garette had that power. The time Garette used her first curse-word, which he didn't admire much.

"Garette?" he looked at her and called out.

"Yeah, Jon? I just remembered before in Caves when I had this power... it seems it's lost forever. I spoke backwards also," she giggled and looked at Jon. "Jon... do not... ever... die," she said.

"Uh...um...alright," Jon said confused.

"Good," she said. "'Cuz if you do... I will know," she said.

She then went on with her bodyguards. She started to always act tough ever since she grew to her maturity. I just walked on, not getting anything in my way.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Hunter-Hucast on 2007-03-06 04:09 ]</font>