View Full Version : PSU-PC: Buying/Testing Me/Quick

Dec 13, 2006, 01:57 AM
Yeah... I know we have a few of these topics in the forum somwhere with prior request. So I am mixing it up some.

I wish to buy a me/quick from sombody if you have one for sale. I have a good sum of money saved from crafting so name your price but dont make it somthing absolutly insane.

However if you dont have one for sale and you own one and would like to do me a favor, lets game some time so I can see it in action and possibly even try it out. I have a very strong suspision that its not as great an item as everybody has made it to be, so if sombody allows me to try it, It may kill off my desire to have it so bad and save me alot of money better spent on somthing else.
