View Full Version : Rare weapons are never going to drop.

Dec 15, 2006, 03:05 AM
This is a common thought among the PSU community, and it bothers me a little.

It's like people think just because they don't drop right now, they're never going to drop, and the game is going to be one big mess of synthesis and frustration. More rare weapon boards are going to start dropping as the game progresses, of course, but I don't think we'll be limited to just those.

As you may or may not have seen, there is a rare weapon box in the game, and I doubt that Sonic Team made the model just for the couple of rare weapon drops that appear in the Story Mode. Network Mode is being patched, it will continue to be patched, and eventually, when we're all Level 80 or 90 or 100, there will come a time when rare weapons are going to start appearing on a daily basis. I honestly believe that at some point, rare weapons will drop so much that people will begin to appreciate the synthesis system so that they can set their weapon apart from the pack, a little bit.

Anyway, to avoid rambling, give it 2 or 3 months for more patches. I think Sonic Team wants to save their rare weapon stash for the highest levels.

Dec 15, 2006, 03:17 AM
But unlike PSO the drop rate for weapons are so low that people don't realize how rare it is for them to drop in the first place. Jitseen drops from Deljaban(sp?) but it so rares that I only seen one in about 20 games.