View Full Version : Diskas of Liberator and Slicers of Assassin...worth anything

Nov 25, 2002, 10:41 AM
I'm relatively new to PSO...didn't play the DC version very much, so forgive me if there is an obvious question to this answer.

I have 2 Slicers of Assassin, and like 6 Diskas of Liberator. What could I trade them for?

Nov 25, 2002, 11:39 AM
I don't know how much they're worth (if you're Whitill like me, you find hundreds of them), but once you know how to use them, Slicer-type weapons can be deadly in the right hands.

Nov 25, 2002, 12:22 PM
Slicer type weapons, when used by a capable person, are very devastating to bosses. You can usually hit multiple parts of a boss, which are tightly packed together.(Dragon, Vol Opt, etc, etc). Each strike, if within range, does damage to each part in the impact area(Dragon: hits head, goes to chest, bounces to legs. Instead of only doing damage to one part, you just did multiples of damage to his different parts, now add that up to a three hit combo.)

Yes, slicer types are worth something, but alot of people don't like to use them. I say hold onto afew and give them to your friends if you can't trade anything for them. But special slicer types are definately worth something. =)

Nov 25, 2002, 12:44 PM
On 2002-11-25 07:41, Elusive_Llama wrote:
I'm relatively new to PSO...didn't play the DC version very much, so forgive me if there is an obvious question to this answer.

I have 2 Slicers of Assassin, and like 6 Diskas of Liberator. What could I trade them for?

Well, not to undermine your finds, but both of those are relatively easy to obtain. In reference to the previous post, I'd say hold onto the one(s) with the greatest %s. Especially if they have a good Nature % Another good situation to have a Slicer-type is vs. Barba Ray. You can instantly knock out the "fish things" that charge at you from the sides of the boat. Anyhow, that's my two cents. http://www.pso-world.com/psoworld/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

Nov 25, 2002, 01:20 PM
Given the slicer finds, I'd say you're either WHITILL or REDRIA.

Each id has a common 9 star find, so, you should be able to trade 'em for other common 9 star weapons.

Also, the female character have a more effective animation for 'em, so you may want to avoid using 'em if you're a male character. (I'm assuming you're HUnewearl)

Personally, even though a HUnewearl is my primary character, I don't like slicers. The only time I use one is either when I'm really low level and can't use partisans/swords (due to enemy toughness) or against the Mines boss (it's the best weapon for the 2nd form) If you're going solo, they're almost completely useless cept in mines where the enemies tend to be slow.

Nov 25, 2002, 01:36 PM
Yes...I play a Redria Hunewearl. I find those slicers all the time. I also have 2 Rappy's Wings, which I have yet to convert into fans...those are neat as slicer weapons because they throw up a puff of feathers for each enemy they hit.

But yeah, I don't use slicers a lot...I prefer partisans as mass-hit weapons because they don't leave you open to attack as much as slicers, or even swords. Plus, I like the way a partisan looks on my hunny.

Nov 25, 2002, 05:46 PM
Slicers...I like shotguns better :F They can hit EVERY part of a boss at the same time. They hit the dragon around 5 times.

Nov 25, 2002, 08:19 PM
Um... Slicer also hit 5 parts of a boss...