View Full Version : XBox: n00b question

Dec 17, 2006, 09:04 PM
I'm a n00b at PSO. I've never played online (and with all my fiddling to the xbox itself, never will). So apologies in advance for my inability to properly name stuff and what not http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

I recently got hooked on this game hardcore. It'd been sitting around for I think a year or three before I picked it up.

I made a HUcast (that's my andriod hunter, methinks) and I'm now level 48 or so. I'm abosultely, totally and completely stuck on Hard Dark Fallz.

His first few forms are blazingly easy. There's no issues at all. However, his final form - Ugly Guy In The Sky - has me completely stuck. I'm simply unable to beat him.

I've read faq's. I've followed suggestions. But I just die, die, die. Each time I try him I have a few more levels, and get a tiny bit closer, but I'm tired of it and want to see VHard already. So I'm posting to you fine people for help.

I use my Chaos Eater for the first phase (otherwise, I wind up mis-targetting and hitting them spinning mines), my phallash (sp? red colored sabre) for the next phase, and either my phallash or lockgun for the final phase.

I typically get at least 1 and sometimes 2 "firings" of my Mags photon blast. Sorry I can't remember the name of the mag, but the blast is the "Big Antlered Deer Thing", and I usually hit with it for about 400 damage or so.

Anyways, I just burn out. I go in with 10 of all healings (and I have to trade offline now for the 10 monomates - apparently the trader is confused and thinks I'm too good for them or whatever), including the star atomizers.

My last run I even went in with 6 (SIX!) scape dolls. Before this fight, the only time I ever used scape dolls was because I wasn't paying attention somewhere and had been too lazy to bank it.

I just get bled out by the "up in the air, hit me from anywhere, cheap ass glowing bomb" attack. If I'm lucky, he lands near me, and I can hit him once or twice with the saber, then he wisks off elsewhere, and I'll get maybe 1-3 shots off with the lockgun.

The last run, he put me in his mouth a few times, and I believe I was *extremely* close, but I still didn't make it. Now I have to find more scape dolls and star atomizers. (I would have not saved, but I found a megid .. first ever for us, and my son wanted it bad, so I saved)

Anyways, not sure if it will help much, but I'm going to go back and start raping the hard dragon for some rare weapon that's supposed to be helpful.

I'm also going to try switching out the Ogre/Power for my best light resist. I hope that helps. My current armor only has 1 slot, though. I have an addslot, but I'm saving it .. unless you folks tell me not to, heh.

I guess I'm just venting, too. Maybe I just need to be level 52 or something (ie; keep trying).

ANY ADVICE AT ALL GREATLY APPRECIATED. Up until this fight, I never read anything about PSO, I just played it all the time recently. Love it, too.

Dec 17, 2006, 09:24 PM
Yeah, Hard dark flaz was hard for me too, but I somehow managed to beat him at around level 40 (I'm a FOmar) I had about 15 scape dolls, a lot of long range weapons help there, too. Do not waste your addslot, either, save it for rare armors. Basically, do forest, caves, or better yet, mines runs and raise around 5-10 levels. Good luck.

P.S. the eternal advice-keep on playing

Dec 17, 2006, 09:45 PM
And dont hit his last form when he gets you in his mouth. Thats like his soul stealing move or whatever. And all the damage u do to him takes ur life away.

Basicaly whenever u hit him, u are gettin hurt and losing hp.

Dec 17, 2006, 10:08 PM
yeah i read the faq's for PSO the first time i flew up into the sky right after that fight. i dont hit him when he's "got me".

i'm level 50 now. just found a booma right arm doing dragon runs. fun fun fun. i have to dig up some info, as i forget where he's at, heh ..

Dec 17, 2006, 11:02 PM
not much to do but train...
i'm not much of help...
I trained w/ friends to 60 before thinking of playing on single at all. (i dont have online)

Dec 18, 2006, 12:22 AM
wow, so .. like i said, i was going for the mushy (sp? heh) sword from hard dragon. so, just now, im heading down. get a gobooma right arm. im like WOW! i turn it into the claw. hits nice and hard, but i dont like the long delay on the 3rd swing. still - beggars can't be choosers, right?

so, i get it made. i try it on. i head back to hard for another dragon run. first room .. rappy getting up in front of me. i normally don't tag them, but i was hanging out playing with my claw. i tag it - rappy wing. i didnt even know there was such a thing as a rappy wing. i now have a rappy fan! yay!

but i cant use it yet http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif i need a pile of atp http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif i have to go look up a wing now.

think the claw is enough for me to kill fallz? i only have 3 star atomizers and 2 scapes http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_frown.gif

Dec 18, 2006, 08:42 AM
You're have a hard time killing Dark Falz with a claw. In general, claw-type weapons, though powerful tend to get annoying real fast.

My recommendation is firstly, to find a sword. SWORD SWORD SWORD. And, if you happen to find a handgun that has some form of Fire special, by all means, bring that along too.

The first form tends to be a pain at all levels. Just go after the ones with the pink on them as they are the only ones you can hit and kill. Try to kinda bob-and-weave through them so you don't get hit too much.

The next form is where the sword comes in handy. I like to position myself right behind the head that he drops on the ground, so that I can not only damage him, but kill the darvants (spinning things) coming out of his mouth.

The next part is fairly easy, and there is a method to his hand-waving, but you probably know that from the FAQs. Try to run in the direction of the hand that he raises, so you are out of the line of fire of the rafoie (fire bomb) or rabarta(freeze) attack he's using.

The last form is hell on androids, but since it appears in Hard, Very Hard, and Ultimate mode, you have to eventually learn how to deal with it. Hopefully at this point you haven't already used up all your healing or scape dolls. His bitchslap attack does a set amount of damage, s raising your DEF won't affect that at all. Raising ELT *will* help you take less damage from his Grants (shiny glowing ball) attack. This is where your fire-special gun comes in handy. Use it when he goes all shiny and invincible. It's not true invincibility because in that form he's still vulnerable to tech attacks, especially Foie. And since you don't exactly have Foie, a gun or other weapon that lets you attack with fire is good. It's not a lot, but it may be just that extra damage you need, rather than waiting for him to be attackable again.

Dec 18, 2006, 08:58 AM
A HP draining Weapon would be also a help.

Dec 18, 2006, 11:56 AM
I just had plenty of scape dolls, all the mates, Star Atomizers, and a 4 slot armour with one or 2 Resist/Saint or Holy units, and 2 Dragon HPs I think. And I used the Suppressed Handgun or Varista for long range, and I think Demolition Comet or Asuka for close range. Man I owned. I'm currently in Ultimate with my Hucast at lvl 104.

Dec 18, 2006, 12:26 PM
If you have a good gun with a fire attack that will help you on the last form.

Dec 18, 2006, 02:05 PM
jeez, if i still had my old xbox i'll help you lvl up.....i loved kicking that old windbags ass across the galaxy. Best thing to do IMO is to train a bit more....what kind of mag and weps are you using as well? I always had good luck with a 5/120/75/0 mag.....cause a HUcast hits hard but hits for shit. If you spam some nice mechs that have even a low hit% you can pwn that asshat.

Dec 18, 2006, 04:01 PM
Yeah. Mechs are usually a good thing to use when he's up close. Otherwise, use a handgun of sorts (Varista's are kinda easy to find) and blast away at him when he's on the other side of the room.
Take as many Scape Dolls with you as possible. And hopefully, you should be okay http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_wacko.gif

Dec 18, 2006, 04:08 PM
On 2006-12-18 08:56, Tweengo wrote:
I just had plenty of scape dolls, all the mates, Star Atomizers, and a 4 slot armour with one or 2 Resist/Saint or Holy units, and 2 Dragon HPs I think. And I used the Suppressed Handgun or Varista for long range, and I think Demolition Comet or Asuka for close range. Man I owned. I'm currently in Ultimate with my Hucast at lvl 104.

Problem with that is, if this is his only character, he more than likely won't have found any Resist/Holy, Dragon/HP, or Demo Comet and Asuka yet.

DF is ALWAYS easier when you have hand-me-down items, LOL.

Which is a shame that the OP isn't able to go online, (or does not wish to.) Because I'd be more than happy to help him out in terms of leveling and finding items. Always glad to meet a new legit PSOX-er.

Dec 18, 2006, 09:08 PM
I dont think I can go online - I've modded the hell out of my xbox, heh

Dec 18, 2006, 09:48 PM
I'm not that well versed in modding, but given the amount of hackers and modders on PSOX now, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt things that badly.

Dec 18, 2006, 10:39 PM
Although it wouldn't the rest of PSOXers, his xbox will be banned after attempting to go online. It would be pointless to even try. Once it's banned, it's banned (unless you get a new xbox, or replace a 'special file' in the xbox itself).

Dec 19, 2006, 10:45 PM
No, I mean XBox Live won't let me connect anymore, no? I've not even tried, as I don't want to get "flagged" and perma-banned or anything in case I decide to un-mod.

Anyways, I found the mushy last night (and TWO MORE rappy fan's, heh). I only have 3 scapedolls and 6 star atomizers, though. At least I can do ruin runs in hard for items now, though, and get more XP.

Dec 20, 2006, 12:57 AM
weeeeeeeeeee - thanks folks http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif after getting the mushy's, i quit last night. tonight, i go right down to H Ruins, but just planning for the xp of fighting down to that last room. so, i get there, and figure, what the heck? if i lose i can save and quit.

that mushy makes a HUGE difference. on that 2nd phase, i think i used a single mate. so i was all anxious, as i didnt bring down any scapes, and never even bothered customizing my star atomizers on there.

on third phase, i get him down to the "in the mouth" phase, and i still have 3 trimates left. so as he did the mouth move, i quickly customized my monomates and starmates on (and fd it up at first, removing my basic attack! heh) but then my "antler mag attack" lit up, hit for 600 or so, and he did this weird swoop away after, but swooped right back in my face not invuln'd and POW!

anyways, long story short - fallz 14 (or so, from previous shots) me ---1--- !!

no rares or anything, but im just thrilled to be in VH for the first time.

so thanks again http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_smile.gif

Dec 20, 2006, 02:03 AM
good job man

Dec 20, 2006, 02:22 AM
uhm - ok. who up and fed coffee to the sharks on VH caves?!

Dec 20, 2006, 07:31 AM
hah congrats. Now you'll need to prepare MUCH more for Falz on Very hard. The dragon drops the Yamatos on very hard (a stronger blue colored version of the Musashi), if you're looking to get something a little stronger. It takes a lot more ATP to use though.

Drops from the VH dragon, much easier chance of dropping too.