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View Full Version : Impressions of the new PA Fragment techs? (JPSU)

Dec 19, 2006, 04:10 AM
Wondering if anybody wants to offer their impressions of whatever PAs they bought with their frags. I got Megid today. Costs 40 PP at LV1 and 64 PP at LV21, level increases verrry slowly, doesn't deal much insta-death yet, but is quite powerful. At LV6 it does the same damage as a LV21 Ramegid. I'm wanting to buy another PA but I'm not sure which...any opinions on the ones you bought would be appreciated.

Also, here's some specs for some of the new PAs from PSUwiki. (edit: these PP costs are for the Forte-classes btw)

Long Bow
Chouseisou LV30 170%ATP 110%ATA PP Cost:32

Killer Shot LV21 131%ATP 75%ATA PP Cost:38 Death LV4

Twin Handgun
Twin Mayalee LV21 152%ATP 66%ATA PP Cost:24 Deband LV2

Barada Maga LV30 135%ATP 110% ATA PP Cost: 28? Zoldeel LV2

Oh and a vid of the new 75 PA frag Twin Dagger skill for those that haven't seen it:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shazbot on 2006-12-19 01:37 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2006, 04:23 AM
So about that bow one, except for the ATA increase does it have anything going for it? Bow's already carry the highest base accuracies of any ranged weapon, so that ATA boost seems unnecessary.

The elemental shots for bows carry 30% damage increase at lvls 21+ when used against enemies of opposite elements. Including the ATP increase associated with these elemenal shots that's 180% total for Ice, Light, and Lightning and 190% for Fire, Earth, and Dark.

Considering the PP cost, I'd say if you've already got all of the elements for Bow. You may as well ignore this one.

Dec 19, 2006, 04:26 AM
Death 4? DAYUMN.

That is mega-approved. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 19, 2006, 04:30 AM
should be PP costs. And I'd like to point out that those are with the 80% mods in. Rifle costs 48 as a guntecher. I've been leveling it pretty hard, bringing 12 rifles into battle and just emptying them all every block (I usually empty atleast 10 of them a block). The universal rule is that these things EAT PP. Eat PP hard, but they seem pretty good.

I only have killer shot so far, and it seems like it could be pretty useful once leveled. Can't use it as a primary of course. And the death appears to be effected by STA. It looks like it could be absolutely amazing in Hakura or Linear Train, or anywhere with explody mechs (since they have no STA). Hell, even the megana mission.

The new gernade bullet can really make protransers useful, but I feel bad for the protransers that have to use it. 150 PP per shot at 21+. Even for fortegunners that 120 PP per shot. But someone I play with has been using it, and it really astounds me how good it is (atleast from my perspective).

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Itsuki-chan on 2006-12-19 01:31 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2006, 04:36 AM
150 PP for the ultimate Grenade at 21+?

Holy cow.

Dec 19, 2006, 04:40 AM
its totally worth every last PP too.

Dec 19, 2006, 04:42 AM
Is it what I've heard - a perfect, guaranteed freeze to everyone in the area?

Because if so, yes, that's pretty damn useful. Not good for a main weapon by any means, but holy damn would that be good for a strategic weapon.

Dec 19, 2006, 05:06 AM
Assuming you actually *hit* the target... Seeing as it has an abyssmal ATA% modifier of 25%.
We tried using it in Bruce's Dungeon, A rank, kept missing the bears O.o

Oh and to OP, I'd say fork out for nosu tech and megiverse if you can afford them, at 21+ nosu techs down the enemy (and you get a massive explosion that only hits 2 enemies, lol). "lol giresta" is actually quite useless atm, unless you're going in a mission where you can expect to get more deaths than you have moons (HIVE S lol). Megiverse is nice, and is also a huge PP sucker (but then so are most of the new PAs).

Of the new SAs the only one I find really useful is the Twin Dagger Jinren-zen, think of it as a twin dagger version of Rising Crush. In fact I don't see why you'd prefer the new Splendor Crush over Rising Crush, where RC staggers large enemies on all parts of the combo the only noteworthy portion of SC is the third part's knockback, sure it hits more enemies, but if you wanted crowd control there are better PAs out there.
Boga Robado, the first part of the combo hits 4x1 which is pretty decent if you want to single out an opponent, but the second part then hits 2x2+knockback and is kinda annoying since it usually sends the enemy flying out of the range of the 3rd part of the combo which despite appearances, only hits 2x4 XD

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: FOnewearl-Lina on 2006-12-19 02:33 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2006, 05:15 AM
Damn that pp cost is crazy. Even with my 3 Falgohoh I still am finding my self running out of pp towards the end of most S rank missions. Specially since once I get my 7*+ rifles I will be forced to use GRM and take a huge hit to pp and pp a tick. Well I guess I will be sticking to my Burn and Freeze rifles after all and only use that kind of stuff fun/showing off.

Dec 19, 2006, 08:23 AM
wow the twin dagger PA skill defy's all laws of physics. I guess someone at sega is a big fan of Yomega Yo-yo's

Dec 19, 2006, 12:58 PM
i agree w/ lina. giresta is the worst tech ever and all the nosus are amazing. the knockdown at lv 21+ is very helpful. and all of the new techs really take a lot of pp to use.

Dec 19, 2006, 01:08 PM
Giresta is useless because Moon Atoms drop like crazy and the game is made in a way that deaths are avoided at all cost.

Dec 19, 2006, 01:12 PM
Giresta needs to be changed so that you regain half the points lost when someone dies. Instead of dropping one rank per death you would drop one rank per two deaths.

That would make the spell far better than it is now.

Dec 19, 2006, 02:52 PM
Agreeing with Inazuma and Lina here also. Giresta is absolute crap, Nosu Technics make me wet myself, and the PP costs are pretty high on all the new Technics.

Dec 19, 2006, 02:57 PM
I was worried the other PA for the TD would suck. Glad to see it doesn't. While all of the other Figunners save for tornado dance, I am stashing 75 frags for that one.

Dec 19, 2006, 03:15 PM
On 2006-12-19 11:52, Spellbinder wrote:
Agreeing with Inazuma and Lina here also. Giresta is absolute crap, Nosu Technics make me wet myself, and the PP costs are pretty high on all the new Technics.

Giresta is the biggest ripoff ever. I can't wait to see
loads of "OMG I spent my valuable PA frags on this piece of shit technique?!?!" topics when it is released on the US version.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Kamica on 2006-12-19 12:17 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2006, 05:12 PM
er it(giresta) cant be that useless i mean it gives regen. i know it has a longer cast time than it does offline,it could be useful if your going into a situation where damage will be hard to avoid. such as grina bete's or various other minibosses. revival isnt the only thing giresta does. it should have auto recovery lvl 3 at lvl 21+ and probally the same duration as 21+ shifta.

Dec 19, 2006, 05:19 PM
Are there any added effects to the bow one, or is it just percent modifiers?

EDIT:Also, gimme some impressions on the other techs! I need to have some idea what to grab.

Also, how good is Ramegid? What level instant death?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Randomness on 2006-12-19 14:22 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2006, 05:27 PM
ramegid doesnt give instant death it gives confusion. an importer can tell you better but when i tried it offline i thought it was crap compared to rafoie/radiga.

Dec 19, 2006, 05:29 PM
On 2006-12-19 14:27, Alisha wrote:
ramegid doesnt give instant death it gives confusion. an importer can tell you better but when i tried it offline i thought it was crap compared to rafoie/radiga.

Oh, confusion you say? GIMME! I always liked confusion. Fun to apply it and sit back letting the monsters do all the work.

Anyways, Radiga has no effect, but Rafoie does have a good potency since it burns. I'll probably try it anyways.

Also, how effective is the HP drain bullet for cards?

Dec 19, 2006, 05:34 PM
What is the rate at which the new Grenede Lauchers BA Acc increases by in levels?

Dec 19, 2006, 05:40 PM
Alisha: Giresta probably does have its uses, people have talked about how it could be useful in Bruce's Dungeon, but the problem is really its cast time. You can cast all of the buffs in the time it takes for you to cast a 21+ giresta once. Perhaps in a 2 force party? I dunno its just far too situational to justify its cost. Nosu spells are good everywhere, Giresta is good in a select few party combinations and areas.

As for cards, I'm not sure, I would assume its similar to the handgun one. These are the japanese numbers, though I think lyrise said it might be even less:
Lv 1 HP Steal -> 1/15th dmg dealt (6.67%)
Lv 2 HP Steal -> 1/10th dmg dealt (10.0%)
Lv 3 HP Steal -> 1/6th dmg dealt (16.67%)

Meaning if you deal 200 you can expect to be healed:
Lv 1-10 -> 13 hp
Lv 11-20 -> 20 hp
Lv 21-30 -> 33 hp

What is the rate at which the new Grenede Lauchers BA Acc increases by in levels?
To my knowledge, it doesn't. At level 1 its 25%, at level 11 its still 25%.

So be prepared to use a hald/hitchange (150% PP use) or a solid/HitS (-100atp)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Itsuki-chan on 2006-12-19 14:44 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2006, 05:44 PM
On 2006-12-19 14:40, Itsuki-chan wrote:
Alisha: Giresta probably does have its uses, people have talked about how it could be useful in Bruce's Dungeon, but the problem is really its cast time. You can cast all of the buffs in the time it takes for you to cast a 21+ giresta once. Perhaps in a 2 force party? I dunno its just far too situational to justify its cost. Nosu spells are good everywhere, Giresta is good in a select few party combinations and areas.

As for cards, I'm not sure, I would assume its similar to the handgun one. These are the japanese numbers, though I think lyrise said it might be even less:
Lv 1 HP Steal -> 1/15th dmg dealt (6.67%)
Lv 2 HP Steal -> 1/10th dmg dealt (10.0%)
Lv 3 HP Steal -> 1/6th dmg dealt (16.67%)

Meaning if you deal 200 you can expect to be healed:
Lv 1-10 -> 13 hp
Lv 11-20 -> 20 hp
Lv 21-30 -> 33 hp

What is the rate at which the new Grenede Lauchers BA Acc increases by in levels?
To my knowledge, it doesn't. At level 1 its 25%, at level 11 its still 25%.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Itsuki-chan on 2006-12-19 14:42 ]</font>

But that could really fill you up nicely... Especially on fortecher HP, lol....

EDIT:Not getting Giresta then, I guess... They can just BUY HP recovery gear. As for reviving? Moon Atomizer (X).

Still what to get... what to get... Though, I suppose it doesnt matter, condering we probably wont see these for a while. Whats the next batch of techs we should be seeing?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Randomness on 2006-12-19 14:47 ]</font>

Dec 19, 2006, 06:46 PM
giresta costs 160 pp, it takes a good 3 seconds or so to cast. the lv 3 regen only lasts about 10 seconds. the only possible time you would want to use giresta is to revive someone. and thats only if someone isnt using scapes.

on the bright side, its the fastest leveling tech in the game. i got mine to 30 in record time. going from 29 to 30 only took about 15 mins.

Dec 19, 2006, 06:59 PM
i've said it in the gameplay board thread and i'll say it here.

those melee pa's look stoooooooopid.

i'd like to know more about the twin handgun PA

Dec 19, 2006, 07:01 PM
Does the pistol bullet hp steal every shot or is it a proc rate?

Dec 19, 2006, 07:03 PM
Every shot that lands.

Dec 19, 2006, 07:04 PM
On 2006-12-19 16:01, Cav wrote:
Does the pistol bullet hp steal every shot or is it a proc rate?

given the numbers posted by itsuki-chan

Meaning if you deal 200 you can expect to be healed:
Lv 1-10 -> 13 hp
Lv 11-20 -> 20 hp
Lv 21-30 -> 33 hp

i'd say every hit will drain hp

Dec 19, 2006, 07:38 PM
On 2006-12-19 15:59, Realmz wrote:
i've said it in the gameplay board thread and i'll say it here.

those melee pa's look stoooooooopid.

i'd like to know more about the twin handgun PA

Twin handgun just does Defdeal (zalure). If you're a guntecher, you're much better off casting zalure. And if you're a fortegunner, you're probably much better off using a DoT.

I don't mean to say its horrible, there are some places that it can be good, but if theres a force supporting in party (which my group usually has), then it seems like it'd be pretty useless.

Dec 19, 2006, 07:40 PM
How many updates out would these be, anyways...?

And what's the next batch of techs to look forward to?

Dec 19, 2006, 08:02 PM
OK, on the surface, this question may seem retarded, but here it goes:

What element is the grenade bullet that causes perfect freeze? There's already an ice bullet, so I was considering the possibility that it may be light or dark, and that the "freeze" is actually paralysis. Anyone know?

Dec 19, 2006, 08:09 PM
The new Bullet Arts are supposedly non-elemental.

Dec 19, 2006, 08:14 PM
Yep, non elemental. And as Inazuma has already stated, the regen on giresta isn't worth it.