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View Full Version : I will give you 3 materials per one MIND materials you give

Feb 25, 2001, 04:19 PM
You give me 1 mind material, I give you 3 materials of your choice, simple enough !
email me at [email protected]
or icq me 97999607
I am on all day, starting now !


Feb 26, 2001, 09:21 AM

I also have just about everything

Feb 26, 2001, 09:48 AM
Next time I find a mind material, i'll think of you.. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/icon_biggrin.gif

Feb 26, 2001, 11:38 AM
I have 4 mind materials. Altough I could do with 12 /atp/def/luc materials, do you have anything else to trade?

Also a question for you. If you have that many materials, where the hell do you keep them all? My bank account is permanently full.

Feb 27, 2001, 05:26 AM
I created a new character

and I log off while my friend stays in game,
so I can transfer all the materials my level 89 Hucast finds to a new character who I created just to store materials.

recently started a 3rd character, a FORCE, so I need mind materials . ( My friend is a force, so when I was plying with hucast, I gave him all the mind materials I had or found)

let me know, I still need them

ALSO need a 3 or 4 slot frame that a level 25 force can wear
I have a LOT of items to trade ! name what you want. and I see if I have. but be fair tho
I am not trading a Spike Tip+45 or C-bringer rifle for this frame

Feb 27, 2001, 05:58 AM
i have a 4 slot Shock Frame.
I will trade it for a Twin Brand or Double Saber [good stats]
Post here if u are interested.

Feb 27, 2001, 06:54 AM
I have more mind materials in my bank than I know what to do with as my mst is maxed. I also have a couple of 4 slot armors you can't use as a force, but I have a 1 slot force field and a 3 slot ultimate frame that you can eventually use.

If you want to see what I have, I have a recent post of my stuff, "not so extensive have/want list," or something like that.

I'm interested in the Cbringers rifle, and I would like to know what else you have. If you're still interested, please reply to my post.

Feb 27, 2001, 08:04 AM
Someone traded me 3 different frames from gamefaqs, and I gave him a chainsawd+30

so I am set for the next 30 or 40 levels as far as frame goes.

I am now looking for Magic piece.

willing to trade the rifle for it !

or devil equipments ( if exist)
have a lot of other stuff left for trade

Feb 27, 2001, 10:39 AM
Does the 1 for 3 offer still stand, Hiroshi?