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View Full Version : I don't like my class anymore.

Dec 26, 2006, 06:26 PM
The holidays are upon us, and I finally have some time to start playing this game seriously (if I can pull myself away from my new DS games). I used to play as a Ranger back in PSO, but since PSU seemed very Hunter-centric I thought I'd try Hunter for a change of pace. I'm now a level 30 Cast with level 6 Hunter and level 3 Ranger. I've been playing as a Figunner for a little while but I've come to the conclusion that melee is not my thing. I was meant to be a Ranger, and eventually a Fortegunner. If I switch to Ranger now, will I look like a complete noob being level 30 and using level 1 bullets while playing as a non-expert class? Or am I better off just creating a new character? I'll probably never go back to Hunter or Figunner so all the time I've spent as a Hunter and levelling up melee skills were completely wasted. I don't want my character to be forever gimped compared to other player's characters at his level, but on the other hand starting over doesn't sound like fun either, even with all the money and items I could tweak him with from my first Cast.

Also, which brand would you recomend for Ranger weapons? Is it hard to solo or make money as a Ranger? Is a Ranger significantly better at inflicting status effects than a Force? Sorry for all the newby questions but I haven't been playing this game nearly enough, those damned Castleroids are alot more addicting to me than PSU.

Any advice from experienced players is appreciated.

Dec 26, 2006, 06:29 PM
Why would you use a lv1 char when you could use a lv30?

And how would you be forever gimped? You'd catch up in no time.

Dec 26, 2006, 06:30 PM
So in other words, you don't wanna switch and level up your other job to the proper level so that you won't look like a n00b?

Dec 26, 2006, 06:38 PM
Just change your class, I started as Force, went to Fortetecher, went to Wartecher, and back to Fortetecher, where I plan to stay. So I'm only a level 2 FT while all my buddies are level 5 in their classes, so what? You want to be a Fortegunner? Then do it, change your class. If you start a new character, all your buddies will be level 70 and you'll be level nothing.

Dec 26, 2006, 06:49 PM
If you don't change it you're just being a lazy n00b starting all over again.

Dec 26, 2006, 06:51 PM
I hated being a Fortegunner and became a figunner. Absolutely love it

Dec 26, 2006, 07:01 PM
Well duh. Figunners ftw, goes without saying.

Dec 26, 2006, 07:05 PM
Dude. I switched to ForteGunner as soon as the update made advanced classes available (character level 50 at the time) and immediately hooked myself up with a grenade launcher. Guess what level my bullets started out at? 1.

I'm about to hit lv 59, and I only have one rifle bullet that I've used, and it's just recently hit lv 18. My shotty bullets, on the other hand, are leveled up. Most of my handgun bullets are lacking, too. Don't sweat it if there's another ranger in the party doing more damage with his rifle than you. Chances are, you might have some bullets levelled higher for other weapons. Also, at char. lv 30, you're still a baby (no offense intended), and there will be plenty of time to level bullets up before you become a ForteGunner, and after.

Think about it this way- let's say you had more time in as a ranger, and decided to go protranser. It wouldn't matter what level your bullets were, you'd have beast-hunter-like accuracy and force-like attack power.

Just do what suits you. If you really like guns, ForteGunner will definitely be your thing.

Dec 26, 2006, 07:14 PM
Leel 99 Badass

Dec 26, 2006, 07:24 PM
you noticed that too? XD

Yeah, stick with your current character and just change classes - it really doesn't matter that much, and you'll level up in the basic classes FAST with the better MP available at higher level missions.

I'm so tempted to switch to Figunner to finish leveling up to say character lv 35, then finish out my Ranger and Force levels in Mizu Defense Srank...

Dec 26, 2006, 07:33 PM
I dunno, just join some C rank De Ragan speed runs. Ranger will level fast, I assure you. No one gives a rat's ass what you are in those, as long as you don't die and are actually participating. (I've seen LV1s tag along and not get kicked.) Things die so fast, guns have an advantage at tagging things anyway before they get wtfpwned.

Then you can move on to B runs and A runs when you feel you are "unnoobed."

P.S: High level "Burn" owns LL / FFF S.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tear on 2006-12-26 16:37 ]</font>

Dec 26, 2006, 08:00 PM
Go with Rifle and Grenade launcher.Trust me filling guns is cheaper than filling melee weapons http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif

Dec 26, 2006, 08:05 PM
i got an idea how about u stay as a fighgunner and since they can use gun and melee weapons stay as that unless u want to become something that can use every gun....but if thats the case by all means change bakk and lvl up ur ranger me personaly id keep the fighgunner but its up to u

Dec 26, 2006, 09:39 PM
Ok first off mate im not to sure why you think you would be gimped.This entire game lets you go from one end of he spectrum to the other without haveing to start over.You can even overwrite PAs.Also you wont look like a noob just liek you havent worked up your skills yet.If i see someone whos nto doing alot of damage with a decent weapon i just think they need to lvl a few skills and go back to stabing stuff.

Dec 26, 2006, 09:58 PM
On 2006-12-26 15:26, Phaze37 wrote:

Also, which brand would you recomend for Ranger weapons? Is it hard to solo or make money as a Ranger? Is a Ranger significantly better at inflicting status effects than a Force?

I like Yohmei since a yohmei dualies/rifle can last a bit longer without recharging.

There is a good Ranger guide in Gameplay forum. I solo as ranger all the time it's easy, but has gotten repetitive. Fire/Dark is great if you can evade hits.

Ranger is defiantly better at shutting down one mob. I can keep a vil de bear frozen/distracted with SE4 ice rifle.

Most importanly don't think of yourself as gimped, that will burn you out. Just have fun.

Dec 26, 2006, 10:15 PM
My Newman progressed like this:

Lv1 - Switched from Force to Ranger and took it to 10.
Lv34 - Switched from Ranger to Hunter and took it to 8.
Lv45 - Switched back to Ranger.
Lv47 - Switched to Force in a last ditch effort for some levels before xpert classes: Got to lv50 Force 4.
Lv50 - Switched to FG and took it to 3.
Lv54 - Switched to Force and took it to 10.
Lv58 - Switched to Fortetecher and took it to 5.
Lv60 - Still working on FT.

Eventually I realized that Newmans do more damage and make for better mages than melee. Go figure that one out. o_O

I had like 800 TP base(I now have like 1019, I think) when I switched to Force, so aside from my spell animations nobody knew I was starting Force again so late. My damage was fairly high. Now, it's even higher. :3

However, starting bullets show when they start out so don't expect to walk away with people not commenting on you starting late. D:

Would I care if some lv60 joined my party as a lv1 Hunter? Nope. Long as they don't make it look like they are a n00b, they can stay. Not many are like me though. http://www.pso-world.com/images/phpbb/icons/smiles/anime2.gif

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Garnet_Moon on 2006-12-26 19:18 ]</font>

Dec 27, 2006, 01:06 PM
Just make the switch. You'll have an advantage over a fresh character due to raw character stats, and you'll of course have whatever money you have to go towards the grenade launcher and other guns you may want.

Dec 27, 2006, 01:32 PM
The other thing nobody's mentioning is that, in all honesty, people are pretty unlikely to look at what level your PAs are and summarily remove you for it.

Just play along as a ranger. I doubt anybody will notice or care. Most people only acknowledge "melee", "guns", "magic".

Dec 27, 2006, 07:54 PM
Thanks for your opinions. I guess I'll switch to ranger on my current main character. I think some of you may have misunderstood something though; if I started a new character to be a ranger, I would have still kept my cast figunner. It's not like I would abandon my first character completely. I was just thinking that it might have been a better idea to only play as one expert class on each character, but you guys are pretty much unanimous in telling me otherwise, so I'll take your advice. I'll get another level or two as a figunner in order to save up some cash, cuz I'll need alot of it to make the switch, as I'll need to buy new ranged weapons and 4 bullets for each one.

Should I buy youmei brand for all of my guns?

Dec 27, 2006, 11:59 PM
Rifles are my main weapon and i stick pretty much with GRM brand, its a good balance of pp, power and ata. twin pistols is my secondary and i stick to tenora purely for the power.

Dec 28, 2006, 01:33 AM
If you fear being seeming noob, then I suppose I should fear much more. After all, I actually plan on getting ForteGunner, and Fighgunner before putting points into FO and getting points in other expert classes. I presume to be quite a high lv, and using lv 1 techs and such. But really, its just a short period. If people judge you, so be it. Why concern yourself with the opinion of a complete stranger to that extent?

Dec 28, 2006, 02:53 AM
Wait wait wait , whats wrong with figunner O_o lol. Its not a bad class, its not entirely guns and shooting but its one of the best class in my opinion. Too much guns can become boring , with figunner i can switch to guns for fun and support. I really cant imagine playing as a Fortegunner or Guntecher.