View Full Version : why can't I equip anything?!

Dec 27, 2006, 09:29 PM
OK,I'ma new player to PSU the only items I have are sabra, wandra, and the handgun,but for some reason,whenever I go on a mission or anything, Ihave nothing on my pallette, and thus can't attack, even after I add something to it,it still will not let me attack, all it shows where the weapon symbols should be is two dashes, for the left and right hand, and I only have the lobby menu when I press down and try to attack....help?

Dec 27, 2006, 09:32 PM
OK. All that happened is that you managed to switch to the 'empty-handed' option on the pallatte. Hit the button that lets you scroll around your pallatte (offhand, I don't know what it is), and GO THROUGH THE TUTORIAL - it'll explain all of that.

If you skipped the tuturial because you 'know it all', go talk to your PM and hit "Talk" under PM options.

Dec 27, 2006, 09:35 PM
how do you switch to it?
Just so I know what I did this next time around, and can avoid it.

Dec 27, 2006, 09:44 PM
Are you on PS2? If you are, hit the 0 button. If not, consult your instruction manual for the "Display Action Pallatte" button. ^_^

Dec 28, 2006, 12:52 AM
Have you read the manual even?

And sometimes there is a bug....which wont let you use techs but the tech is on the palette.

You just need to remove the tech from the weap and the weapon from the palette and put it back together again. /Love