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Dec 28, 2006, 07:49 PM
Serene’s Class Guide-Fighgunner

Once again, I urge you to tell me if I’ve made a mistake in my guide. I’m only human, of course. ^_^;

1. The Breakdown of a Fighgunner
1.1. Requirements
1.2. Stats
1.3. Equipment Options
2. Race-to-Fighgunner Breakdown
3. Becoming A Fighgunner
3.1. Human Fighgunner Guide
3.2. Newman Fighgunner Guide
3.3. CAST Fighgunner Guide
3.4. Beast Fighgunner Guide
4. Ideal Equipment

1. Breakdown of a Fighgunner

The Fighgunner. The class that many believe spawned from the heavens themselves. Combines the powers of Hunters and Rangers for a strong ATP/ATA combo. Has the best ideal stats and equipment options for most Hunters. The only thing that’s missing is the lack of a wand. But of course, nobody would play anything else, then. =p

I think they aren’t truly the best of the best, but they definitely have their advantages.

Skills: Up to level 30
Bullets: Up to level 20
Technics: Cannot Use

Serene’s Recommended Skills:

-Spinning Break (upon release) (Sword)
-Rising Crush (Twin Saber)
-Renkai Buyou-zan (Twin Dagger)
-Tornado Dance (Double Saber)
-Rising Strike (Saber)
-Dus Daggas (Spear)
-Yak Banga (Crossbow)
-Frozen Hit (Handgun)

Tips on leveling your skills:

-As a Hunter, team with Forces often. Because of your HP, they’ll get good Resta EXP. Spam your PA’s as much as possible, but be sure to spam your two-handed weapons’ PA’s more, because you’ll have access to your one-handed weapons as a Ranger.

-As a Ranger, combo guns with Daggers and Sabers as much as possible, spamming PA’s to level them up. Also spam Spinning Break and Dus Daggas as a Ranger, because they actually let you use those weapons as a Ranger. XD

Recommended Missions:

-Plains Overlord

Simple enough, you have a big, multiple-spotted Dragon to spam PA's with. Gets you the best PA EXP of all, because he's so absurdly slow. Plus, it's good for BA levelling when he's in the air.

-Valley of Carnage

I've always thought VoC was Plains Overlord that trades in the De Ragan for Kog Nadds, and lots of them. Kog Nadds are one of those enemies you just love to see, because you can just spam your PA's on them. Also, those pesky Zoonas can just get shot right down with your BA's.

1.1. Requirements

If you want to be a Fighgunner, it’s pretty easy. Just level your Hunter to level 5 and your Ranger to level 3. Not too hard, and there’s always the option of leeching off your partners/friends if you feel you don’t want PA/BA EXP and character EXP on the way to being a Fighgunner.

1.2. Stats

Type Lvl 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
100% 101% 102% 104% 106% 108% 110% 112% 114% 116%
93% 95% 98% 100% 102% 104% 106% 109% 113% 116%
80% 82% 84% 86% 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 120%
35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35%
80% 82% 84% 86% 90% 95% 100% 105% 110% 120%
90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90% 90%
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120% 120%
100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

1.3. Equipment Options

Double Sabers-S-Rank
Twin Sabers-S-Rank
Twin Daggers-S-Rank
Twin Claws-A-Rank
Twin Handguns-A-Rank
Rods-Cannot Use
Wands-Cannot Use
Axes-Cannot Use
Rifles-Cannot Use
Shotguns-Cannot Use
Longbows-Cannot Use
Grenade Launchers-Cannot Use
Laser Cannons-Cannot Use
Cards-Cannot Use

2. Race-to-Fighgunner Breakdown

Well, of course comes the part where I tell you which are the worst to best Fighgunners by race (in my opinion):

4. Newman
3. Beast
1. Human

Well, you may think that I’m wrong by rating Humans above CASTs, but take two steps into an S-Rank mission and you’ll see what I mean. Piss-poor MST=Fail. Period.

3. Becoming a Fighgunner

Now for the part where I help you decide who to group with for the task of leveling your Hunter to level 5 and Ranger to level 3.

As a Hunter, since you’re going to be spamming PA’s, you want to be keeping a stack of Photon Charges handy. Since you’re going to be spending 5000 meseta per run to keep your PC supply fresh, you want to minimize on your item use, and therefore, minimize your use of money that you’re going to be using to restock your items. Since this is mostly aimed at mates, keep with Forces so you minimize your use of mates. You don’t want to be embarrassed to find that you don’t have enough money to even change your class to Fighgunner, now do you? D=

As a Ranger, I also urge you to stick with Forces. You want to be spending your time spamming your PA’s and BA’s to gain EXP with them. My suggestion is to group with a lot of Forces who want to become Guntechers or Wartechers, because they’ll mostly be buffing and healing anyways. (Guntechers help too, because they stick to wand-gun/crossbow combos =D)

3.1. Human Fighgunner Guide

Humans, the best kind of Fighgunners. All the stats that other classes beat you at get boosted, and you even get a race bonus! What’s not to love?!

OK, when comparing your stats with the other races, your stats rack up like this:


Human Fighgunners. The best Fighgunners. Why? Balanced stats that only get even more balanced as a Fighgunner. You don’t need TP as a Fighgunner, and you have the second-best MST to Newmans, and because Newmans have the lowest HP, ATP, and DFP of all classes, their high MST won’t get them far. But more about you, the human Fighgunner. Your C-ranked stats all get a boost from being a Fighgunner (albeit STA, but that’s not a real issue.), and your EVP will get boosted, and your MST will serve you well.

Recommendation: This may seem strange, but start as a Ranger. You want to use the same BA’s you’ll be using as a Fighgunner, so do yourself a favor and level them up. Once you get to a level 3 Ranger, you’ll have enough money to buy the weapons you’ll be using as a Hunter, and that will carry on to your Fighgunner weapons. As usual, I’ll urge you to only use the skills that will be used as a Fighgunner. You don’t want to level skills that you won’t (or more frankly, can’t) use as a Fighgunner. Plus, as a high-level Hunter, you’ll be able to do B-Rank missions, where you can spam your PA’s to your heart’s content.

As a Ranger, you won’t have too much trouble. Just spam your handgun BA’s and whatnot. Keep to saber/gun combos, with spears too. Group with CAST Hunters, Beast Hunters, and Protransers as much as possible-the Hunters will want to group for SUV/Nanoblast fun, and Protransers keep to setting traps that you can set off.

As a Hunter, I strongly urge you to use the best PA’s you have at your disposal: Rising Crush, and Renkai Buyou-Zan (sp?). Those are all you’ll need, because you’ll be using them as a Fighgunner. Group with support Forces so you get plenty of PA experience.

As a Fighgunner, keep yourself from wetting yourself at the mere thought of Tornado Dance. Nobody, I repeat, NOBODY, likes having to see the group they’re about to nuke get blown back three miles to next Tuesday continuously. I know you WANT to spam it, because trust me, it’s an extremely fun PA, and absolutely deadly against those enemies with high DFP/STA, but please, for the sake of the children, keep from spamming the PA. Keep that for soloing/NPC fun. People will boot you for doing that.

As for grouping, as a Fighgunner, because of your versatility, everyone wants you in their group. Your flexibility helps all classes, and because of your omnipotence over the other classes, you really only need a Force (pure or hybrid) to heal you so you don’t waste mates.

2.2. Newman Fighgunner Guide

OK, so you’re one of those guys who likes a challenge. Newman Fighunners are akin to Newman Protransers, Beast Guntechers, CAST Wartechers, Newman Fortefighters, CAST Fortetechers, or Beast Fortegunners. One of those “it just can’t work, but you made it work somehow” classes.

OK, when comparing your stats with the other races, your stats rack up like this:


OK, the first thing I notice about Newman Fighgunners is their TP. You’re like the guy who’s all dressed up with no place to go. TP means nothing if you ain’t gonna use it. Still, you get good MST, good EVP, and good ATA. You’ll be more gunner than figh here.

Recommendation: Begin as a Ranger. You want to stay as far away from those enemies as possible, because one hit will take about 70% of your HP. Besides, even as a Fighgunner, you’re going to be using your Ranger side more. (Now tell me, sir Newman Fighgunner, you SURE you don’t want to be a Guntecher? Positive? Not even a Wartecher? Come on, man, you’re just making yourself look stupid here...OK, OK, keep reading then.) Keep to all elements on your BA’s, because those are your main source of damage. Just prep accordingly for your mission. Your PA’s won’t be as important, so you can just leech as a Hunter or keep leveling the handgun BA’s with saber/gun combos.

As a Ranger, you’ll do nothing but keep away from the fray, spamming the BA’s you’ll be using as a Fighgunner. You want to be that dodgy little prick who can take the magic abuse and dodge everything else. Group with Hunters, you don’t want those mobs attacking you, unless you REALLY want to make a fool of yourself and use shotguns. XD

As a Hunter, you have two options: Take the insane route of getting in the fray to level your PA’s, or do what most self-respecting, smart people would do, and keep to handgun BA leveling. Like I said, you want to be more gunner than figh as a Fighgunner. Group with other Hunters if you’re leveling your BA’s, and don’t leave home without a Force if you’re insane enough to level your PA’s.

As a Fighgunner, keep to Crossbows. They’re going to be a godsend. Keep them and a simple saber to soften up the enemies, stun them, keep inflicting statuses with your crossbow BA’s. Group with as many Hunters as you can. Forces can help.

2.3. CAST Fighgunner Guide

Ah, now this is where I have a good opinion. I’m making my second cast a Fighgunner (if I can ever stop myself from abusing my newman Wartecher…<3), because I figure their high ATA and good ATP make them good. Their only setback is the MST. At high levels, you want to stay away from S-Rank missions, or be careful. Note those Megid-spitters, you want to keep away from them.

OK, when comparing your stats with the other races, your stats rack up like this:


OK, so you get all things that make a cast good, but better. Good HP, ATP, DFP, ATA, and an EVP bonus. Your MST is your weakness. Equip MST units if needed, and I suggest you keep to groups that will watch your back. You need the extra MST, because enemies will not hesitate to let loose a stream of flames, or use Gibarta, or that other annoying spell. Let me provide an example of this:

You’re doing Valley Of Carnage. You see a pack of Vandas. While using the PA combo, the second combo manages to kill one. This triggers more to appear, and start hitting you. Now see, with Vandas, they like to spit Damfoie when angry. While you’re recoiling from the hit you just took, they’re already taking ½ your HP with one touch, and that’s from ONE VANDA. Do youself a favor, and don’t let that happen.

Recommendation: Begin as a Ranger. Level those BA’s you’ll use as a Fighgunner. If necessary, level Buten and Rising Strike with your Hit elements. Level Dus Daggas too, because it’s a fairly accurate PA, which plays well to your ATA, Ranger class, and race bonus.

As a Ranger, you want to do yourself a favor, and until Rentis and Retirer come out, use Retarides to boost your MST for Valley Of Carnage solo. If you’re grouping, go with Forces, so that they heal you when you’re getting mobbed. As I said, level Dus Daggas, Buten, Rising Strike, and your Hit (Frozen is your best bet in this regard).

As a Hunter, get in the fray and tear them up. If I were you, I’d concentrate on an elemented weapon that works well against the enemies from the mission you’re doing and continuously, and just level its PA until you can’t anymore. Your best bet when you’re fighting as a CAST is to split up the enemies (of course, this is only for soloing. You’ll get booted for spincycling the enemies) and spam PA’s. You may go through PP like water, but you’ll thank me when you get the money from that S-Rank because you didn’t get screwed over by tech-spitters.

As a Fighgunner, you can solo very well. Spincycle as much as you can, and focus on one enemy at a time. Kill fast, lethally, and always watch the enemies. You never know when they’ll spit techs at you from behind.

Oh, and keep away from Neudaiz Relics D=

2.4. Beast Fighgunner Guide

The Beast Fighgunner. My best friend is aspiring for this, and is having trouble deciding. If you’re having trouble deciding, I’m here to help.

OK, when comparing your stats with the other races, your stats rack up like this:


Wow, at first you’d think this is a bit obvious. Everything Beasts are good at, and everything they aren’t good at, get boosts. Still, I ranked them third because the ATA issue…Because you have the best PA’s at your disposal, you DO want to hit with them, right?

Recommendation: No freakin duh you’re starting as a Hunter. You want to spam your PA’s and get them EXP as much as possible. Plus, starting as a Ranger is just a joke. Really.

As a Hunter, just spam those PA’s. Spam. Spam. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. Have you spammed them? Good, SPAM THEM SOME MORE!

Group with Forces. Have them heal you while you just tear those enemies apart. Make sure to tell them that you don’t like RA-techs, though D=

As a Ranger, this may seem weird, but your ideal group is a meatshield (NPC or otherwise) and a Force. The meatshield will gather the enemies, and you’ll spam Shotguns while the Force heals the meatshield and spams RA-techs.

If you don’t like that, just leech then.

As a Fighgunner, you’re the best solo race and the best melee class. You kill fast, hit strong, and roar loud. Keep to an attack nanoblast, and be sure to warn good old De Ragan that he’s @#$%ing with a living tank.

4. The Ideal Equipment

This guide will explain what your action palette should look like depending on your race.

Well, it’s pretty much the same thing for all races:

-Twin Sabers
-Twin Daggers
-Saber- Fire Crossbow Combo
-Dagger-Ice Gun/Ice Crossbow Combo
-Double Saber


That’s all, folks.

I hope I’ve helped you get a better view on the class. It helps to know how to play the class, and achieve the class a bit better.

Thanks for reading,

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SereneShadows on 2006-12-28 17:56 ]</font>

Dec 28, 2006, 08:43 PM
Another nice, detailed guide.

A few suggestions to improve it as well.
Recommended Missions: brief reason on what & why, etc., or point to your explanations below.
Equipment Options: consolidate the un-equipable in one section to make them clearer. Mingling them can be confusing.

Dec 28, 2006, 08:47 PM
well, I dunno if humes are as good as CASTs in fighgunners, but whatever, my fighgunner is a human, and either way, the difference in the CAST's superiorities are not too great, yeah, they have SUV and whatever, but, meh. and I am beginning to appreciate MST after doing some Lab and LL S runs and trying to avoid those megids, being glad that I only take damage and not die in one hit as a hume. and the higher evasion also helps, like those tornado slashes from the svaltus, which will also lower your defense. and anyway, one thing I would say is use rising crush alot on guys like vandas and gohmons, or whatever they're called in S missions, since their magic attacks are really strong and annoying for everyone else, and rising crush launches them, making them unable to do their annoying magic attacks. even the final part that sends them off flying may help in saving someone from getting barta'd and frozen by the S rank gohmons. but as my human, I started hunter, mostly cuz when I first got my hands on this game, thats what I wanted to be, but yeah, I did struggle when I first turned ranger, partly cuz I was still a noob and didn't have enough friends with whom I can just do de ragan runs and make money as fast as possible. as a result, I was unable to get enough guns(I burnt my money mostly on swords and sword arts when I was a hunter), and stuck to being a ranger in name only for the most part. and I would like to add that newman hunters aren't so bad, but some may be more gunner than figh. heck, I've seen humans who play that way too, most notably SabZero, IMO an interesting way to be a fighgunner, having the extra power behind the bullets and all. and btw, isnt' STA the same for every race? I also feel that Sega was thinking Dante when making this class. When that red trenchcoat comes out, I have a feeling there are gonna be a whole lot male human fighgunners running around w/ red trenchcoats and calling theirselves Dante.

Dec 28, 2006, 08:57 PM
Updated, thanks for the idea Dhylec.

I'll do the same for the Wartecher guide.

Dec 29, 2006, 12:49 PM
For the most part, I agree, except for one thing:

Still, I ranked them third because the ATA issue…Because you have the best PA’s at your disposal, you DO want to hit with them, right?

That's exactly what a beast SHOULD pick Figunner. They have the highest ATA of any of the hunter-derived classes; it may be low in comparison to the other races, but a Beast Figunner will still hit more often than a Beast Fortefighter or Wartecher.

Dec 29, 2006, 01:40 PM
an expert on guns huh?

Dec 29, 2006, 01:54 PM
That's exactly what a beast SHOULD pick Figunner. They have the highest ATA of any of the hunter-derived classes; it may be low in comparison to the other races, but a Beast Figunner will still hit more often than a Beast Fortefighter or Wartecher.

I only 1/2 agree. It depends on what you want to do with the class. If you are interested in guns with bullet PA's *at all* you should not go beast. Beasts ATA does not get it done.

I would argue that Casts and Humans are better suited to the Figunner role - especially Humans at low level as the crea replicas are Hu/Newman only.

Dec 29, 2006, 04:33 PM
Here's two things you missed (you're showing your prejudices with this guide, which does NOT make it a great guide btw, but I'll forgive you ^_~):


As a Fighgunner, you're the only ranger class that doesn't have access to an SE4 (or even SE3) weapon. While this is just fine against your basic mob, when a bunch of Tengoughs drop in your lap it can leave you painfully hampered (particularly because melee only does 1/2 damage to them).

So, how to overcome this?

Bring traps! Particularly the G series, because they always inflict their status effects - you pay more, but you get more.

At this point, the only traps you'd want to be packing regularly would be Burn G's; Burn is the most effecient SE to lay on the huge HP, hard to damage monsters. If you're cocky, you could bring Silence G's into Lab or Mad Beasts to deal with Jarbas; but you're not likely to get much mileage out of them. Burn is, by far, ftw in team and solo play.


Twin Handguns fire faster, strafe more easily, and proc status effects just as well (if not better than) the Crossbow. Plus, the crossbow is harder to aim and difficult to use at long ranges. In the end, they're about even so it comes down to a personal choice; but twin handguns are so cool how could you NOT want to use them? XD

Dec 29, 2006, 05:01 PM
Personally, I'd rather take the superior stats of a CAST over a human for Fighgunner. Prepare for any MST deficiencies by carrying around a couple good sets of elemental armor. MST problem solved, and you get to be more of a damage machine than a Human. :3

Dec 29, 2006, 05:05 PM
Really, it's all preference. I'm going for a CAST Fighgunner, but I honestly think humans do it better because of the better MST.

Dec 29, 2006, 08:59 PM
On 2006-12-29 14:05, SereneShadows wrote:
Really, it's all preference. I'm going for a CAST Fighgunner, but I honestly think humans do it better because of the better MST.

Really, you think 25 MST makes that big a difference? Because that's the gap at level 60 between a human Figunner and a Cast Figunner. (male)

by way of comparison, Human wartecher MST is 139/152
Now THAT is a big difference...

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: SolomonGrundy on 2006-12-29 18:32 ]</font>

Dec 30, 2006, 10:10 AM
well, i saw the stats and as far as I see it, 70 to 43 is a bigger difference than 658(CAST fighgunner's atp) to 623(human fighgunner's atp). sure, the margin is bigger for the atp gap, but once you get to such a high number, it won't mean as much. I mean, seriously, whats a bigger difference? 3 to 1 or 103 to 101?

Dec 30, 2006, 10:24 AM
You're taking around 15 more dmg/spell with that MST(maybe more or less depending on element). Big deal, it's not like there's any enemy that spams spells at FAST rate yet.

Thing is that CAST figunner beats human at every other FiGunner usefull stat, except for EVP. Too bad that the EVP is too low anyways, does'nt help much on S ranks until base stat reaches 350+ while the human figunner only can reach max 207 at lv60 job10.

Dec 30, 2006, 02:35 PM
you guys argue about your cast human fighgunner crap, my beast fighgunner is amazing. Anyone who thinks a beast is a bad fighgunner is absurd. Basically, according to most people I see post in these forums, beasts suck in every class. Simply for a lower ATA. There are such easy ways to counter this. First... attack from behind! It really does work. Second, freeze traps and freeze guns, every attack hits while frozen. Third, it's really not that bad. I'm level 55 playing S ranks spamming dual handguns and I don't miss very often. Occassionally I miss a bunch in a row, but I can also have streaks where I don't miss for an entire block. YES ENTIRE BLOCK. It's random. Granted it can be annoying if you miss, but it doesn't kill a beast and make them suck, which is their only downfall.

People need to get off their ATA horse, and realize it's not the end all. It is hardly the most significant stat. Let's give every A you gave for a stat 4 points, B 3 points, C 2 points, D 1 point
Beast = 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4 = 22
Cast = 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 1, 3 = 20
Newman = 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 1 = 19
Human = 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2 = 19

yeah Beast is HORRIBLE. I'm sorry that ATA is not that significant a loss


Dec 30, 2006, 03:42 PM
I think people are stuck in FFXI mode where they're thinking that if you don't have accuracy up the wazoo you suck...

Dec 30, 2006, 05:46 PM
ATA - because constant DPS is better than playing roulette with the RNG whole the time.

Dec 31, 2006, 05:16 AM
How well do you hit the high EVP bug in endrum relics? Because I miss a lot on C-rank, and I'm horribly over leveled for that area.

ATA is more important that folks realize for a 4 reasons

1. missing during your combo allow enemeies a chance to recover, and hit you back.

2. PAs increase damage, and decrease accuracy - which exacerbates the problem

3. Missing even once in a string of hits is as bad as having lower ATP. Ie 2 charaters, using the same weapon, do a 5 hit combo. One character (say, a CAST), his for 200 each time, totaling 1,000. The other (a beast) hits a respectable 4 times, for 220 each time, totalling 880.

4. Some weapons have low ATA, making it hard to hit unless YOUR ATA is high.

You tell me who is more effective?

All that being said, I play a ForteFigher Beast. I feel that the nanoblast is the real winner for being a beast. Invulnerablity when you need it. H0tt.

Dec 31, 2006, 05:08 PM
The ATP difference is larger than that, and if you're a smart beast you know how to hit the enemy. In groups is easy to basically never miss. When someone attacks an enemy, it focuses on them, let it face them, and attack it from behind. That's what I do and I rarely have problems hitting the enemy. If you notice, beasts also start with fists, because of their high ATA. AS a beast you should use higher ATA weapons to make up for it, if possible. Either way attacking from behind isn't hard to do, unless you're going solo, but then just have your PM or NPC distract them.


Dec 31, 2006, 09:04 PM
But running behind enemies also takes time, lowering your overall DPS. Also remeber that there are times where it's not possible or very hard to get behind some enemies. (fast moving ones, or bees- I can't see what side's front and what side's back damit!!)

Dec 31, 2006, 09:23 PM
um imo fighgunner is all about air juggling and hitting monsters while they are on the ground. if you cant get behind a monster thats dirtnapping then lol@ you. fighgunner is melee support not all out damage. having said that you should add rising strike to your suggested pa's. any pa that knocks a monster up/down is money for fighgunners.

Dec 31, 2006, 09:35 PM
Flipping/juggling monster is overrated. You'l notice how fast things recover from flips and knockbacks on harder ranks of missions. You can't always expect the knockback/flipping attack to hit the max amount of monsters that it can hit and sometimes it misses.

The character I'm playing on the "other" account has both rising crush and rising strike at lv30, still I can have around 10+ yohmei melee weapons going pure flipping madness and they all run dry on PP on around halfway the second block for any S-rank mission.(and the forces and whatever else gets mad at me because their attack won't connect when things are in mid-air) I'm currently sticking with twin handguns and dmg dealing weapons such as twin daggers or spear while carrying only 3-4 of either twin saber or saber for use when needed. Works much better.

(cast = ATA, twin daggers = ATA, moatoob spears = ATA, figunner = some ATA. High total ATA = stable/relieable DPS, I'm getting good at snatching all the last hit EXP bonuses for myself now)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: etlitch on 2006-12-31 18:37 ]</font>

Dec 31, 2006, 10:42 PM
I don't run behind enemies, when other people attack an enemy, it turns and faces them, that's easy as pie. DPS... sigh that's all I here about. Guess what, if I can do 1000 DPS but take 500 damage attacking from the front, or 500 DPS and take 0 damage attacking from behind, I'll attack from behind. If you ever go on a mission with me, I NEVER use a mate, and rarely need to get healed from a Force. I have HP restorate and that restores anything I lose, faster than I lose health. I don't care about DPS, if you take a ton of damage. That is half the reason I hate fortefighters, they don't care about how much damage they take, as long as they dish it out.


Jan 1, 2007, 07:44 AM
We're hardcore. We take damage, use recovery items, it does'nt matter. The fact that the mission get's finished faster makes up for the costs, plus more mission points and PA frags. Not supposed to take more than 100 dmg/hit on S-rank missions as a figunner due to armour swapping.

One can take no damage and be like whatever, just like one can take your time to kill bees as a figunner. In the end, their lvling or whatever won't be as efficient as someone who takes same damage and skips the bees. Only thing that happens is that they end up whinning about someone else having no life for being higher lvl/whatever. While that someone else has been playing the same amount of time and spends other free time having fun in the local pub instead of whinning at other players.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: etlitch on 2007-01-01 04:49 ]</font>

Jan 1, 2007, 03:03 PM
and those same players who speed run through everything complain that there isn't enough to do in the game. I'd much rather take my time and enjoy the game.


Jan 1, 2007, 03:45 PM
But then, people do take their time to enjoy the game. Just not when they're doing speedruns, because that would defeat the purpose of doing speedruns. I do speedruns just to get whatever speedruns reward you with- like lvl up so I have enough stat to equip something and I'm not doing speedruns when I'm just playing random missions or messing around.

Most people would probaly agree that if you do join a speedrun party (like atleast half the parties in verse1?), taking your time and enjoying the game is'nt the right thing to do.

Jan 1, 2007, 05:36 PM
I only do speedruns when I'm trying to gain mission points and such when I'm raising a low level character to get to the expert type that I want them to be in. otherwise, once I reach that goal, I just wanna have fun and kill stuff for the hell of it, look cool while doing it, enjoy the music of the place(I love that Neudaiz music, especially that Agata Islands song).

Jan 2, 2007, 02:21 AM
The ATP difference is larger than that, and if you're a smart beast you know how to hit the enemy.

Level 60/10 Cast Figunner ATP: 595
Level 60/10 Beast Fignunner ATP: 642

That is not even a 10% difference in ATP, and we have not yet added in the weapon ATP. SO, the real % is even lower.

Smart casts know how to hit enemies too, but *someone* end up being in front, adn when it's the beast you draw "0s" (misses)

Jan 2, 2007, 10:33 AM
I didn't realize FiGunner could use swords until I read through this guide. I was like WTF and went and double checked in-game... surprise surprise!

I don't think most actual FiGunners know they can use swords either. :[

Jan 2, 2007, 12:52 PM
On 2007-01-02 07:33, panzer_unit wrote:
I don't think most actual FiGunners know they can use swords either. :[Oh yes they do, they just never touch the thing, due to twin daggers.

Jan 2, 2007, 01:10 PM
That doesn't make a lot of sense, but whatever floats people's boat. I wish the regular hunter classes would bother to hold a bunch of mobs still for me to light up with laser beams instead of having to wait until I'm teamed with Protransers who at least got stuck with sword as their only sweeper weapon.

ninja beast
Jan 7, 2009, 10:09 AM
very confusing? :x