Conversation Between Ash1ey and Forever Zero

349 Visitor Messages

  1. I been playing the 3DS kingdom hearts game a lot lately. It's pretty good. How bout you?
  2. whatchu doin these days?
  3. I like that idea, I will have to tell everyone that then
  4. Yea, we gotta be sure to get everyone on the same ship for US release. Maybe we can just pick a ship a week before release and make sure everyone sticks with that ship.
  5. yup. i was a bit skeptical at first since we missed out on so much in psu, but i've thought about it, and I think they realize that they need to do better, and sega of american & europe really need money now... so I'm realyl sure they will get it their all this time aroudn. I'm giving them a chance. Plus, all my friends are seperated on different servers and i hate it. When US comes out, I want everyone on teh same server.
  6. Yea, I been reading the forums and I don't get why they are all so upset. Bunch of ungrateful stupid idiots. I'd enjoy the game much much more in a language I can understand rather than having to guess at translations and have a website up at all times to translate shit.
  7. I'm glad you're happy about it, cause everyone here seems to be pissed off about it :l its sad lol
  8. Yes! Finally lol. So happy about PSO2 US news! !
  9. PSO2 US
  10. I hope we get an announcement for PSO2 English soon :P I would like to play it, but I don't really want to deal with Arkz Cash and the like in a language that I can only barely read :P
  11. Omg, they made that dress just for you! XD
  12. Oh man, Megaman and Bass is freaking hard from what I remember. I don't think I could even beat any of the stages lol, but I played that game a long time ago :P

  13. I've been playing Megaman & Bass and Harvest Moon for playstation. Those Harvest Moon games are addicting to me. XD
  14. nice, thats cool. What have you been playing lately? I just started Ys the ark of napishtim for PSP today. I've been re-watching a ton of Sailor Moon S lately, my favorite. I also drew a bit too :P
  15. Hey, Ashley. I haven't been on much myself lately. I feel like I'm using this more like a demo version lol. Waiting on the english release as well. I think it will be more enjoyable then, that way we can understand the story and what's going on better. I been playing other games lately too. Just won FF V and VI advance in an ebay auction today.
  16. hay girl, how you been? Have you played PSO2 lately? I haven't played it in a few days lol. Trying to stay casual with it, and still be interested in doing other games and hobbies + work. I will probably play a lot more once theres an English version though. Once there is, I'd like to get all my friends in the same server really
  17. Nice. Thanks for the link!
  18. dunno if you have seen this before, but this is a great guide to help with the important client orders to unlock new missions and expand weapon pallete. it also covers the matter board too
  19. Yeah its one character, then you can get additional slots with arkz cash. I'm not crazy about being tied down to one ship, but I guess since the game is completely free, I can't raelly complain. I'll probably throw them a bone every now and then with their cash shop :P I was stressing over the server thing like crazy earlier thuogh. I was freaking out about my friends being all seperated and stuff.
  20. So far it's pretty good. I noticed some changes here and there as well. I'm getting the hang of the controls a little better. That gave me trouble in closed beta.

    It looks like I can get to ship 10 I just need to figure out how to delete my ship 2 character so I can switch over. I think it only allows one character per account now, if I'm not mistaken.
Showing Visitor Messages 281 to 300 of 349