Conversation Between Xefi and Mantiskilla

25 Visitor Messages

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  1. WHAT!? Nah j/k. Happy Birthday
  2. i finish downloaded Rusty Hearts and try it out. i started a new character as Angela, i believe.
    game's looking pretty cool and i just finish doing the prolouge. i'm very new to this game; let
    me have any tips along the way if you can. dont know what i'm doing yet. the xbox 360 controller
    is a little weird. i dont know which button is use for healing yet. i'm going to try getting use to
    the game along the way.

    anyway, just letting you know which character i'm starting out. going to be picking up
    Tales of Grace f tomorrow and play some of that. see you around, Mr. Mantis!
  3. hey Mantis. i forgot that i'm playing Tales of Grace f tomorrow. i'll play Rusty Heart
    some other time. just letting you know.

    also, if you dont want me calling you Mantis all the time, just let me know what you want me to call you. you can just call me "Xe." btw.

    i guess my little bro. just go by OP then.

    hope to play with you soon on Borderlands. really thank you for the GOTY again.
  4. Thank you (as always great artwork)

  5. hope your doing well Mr. Mantiskilla and happy birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 25 of 25
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