Conversation Between Zessica and ReaperTheAbsol

36 Visitor Messages

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  1. I will have the underlings erect statues in your name after the battle concludes and we rise victorious. It will be a glorious day.
  2. As expected from your dear Captain, I must make the best plans! For I shall not fail my comrades!
  3. Black. It will strike fear into our enemies before we crush them. After crushing the gods we will become the only two capable of ruling over all for eternity. Our plan is foolproof!
  4. Hahah! What color should be wear? I prefer black myself lol --We shall ascend to the realm of gods and crush them with the power of friendship! XD
  5. That's right! We should also color coordinate our outfits, create a secret handshake and charge into battle with our heads held high. Our friendship will never die!
  6. Pssh, Dark Falz has never seen the likes of such a friendship! The day we go head to head with him is the day he wets himself at our sheer power and unstoppable might! Long live our friendship!!
  7. A mentor, eh? Alright! We can be best friends! Our friendship bond will pierce the heavens, and not even Dark Falz can get between us!
  8. That's even better, We can do a ton of quests that way! You can be like, A mentor of some sort and a super duper best friend of awesome amounts xD
  9. You can count on that. I'm fairly active and available most of the time. I don't get too busy in game, so if you ever need an active partner I'm the bird for you.
  10. Awh, I won't get sick of ya! :3 We may end up playing together for a loooong time xD
  11. Yeah! We can play more until you get sick of me if you want. I'll show you the ropes!
  12. Of course I did! I can't wait to play more! And learn more of course! xD
  13. Hey, it was a lot of fun! I hope you enjoyed yourself as much as I did, haha!
  14. Why thankyou soldier, It's a pleasure to be onboard.
  15. Looks like we just barely made it! Hahah!
  16. Welcome aboard, Captain!
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 36 of 36
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