Conversation Between TenebriS and Vintasticvin

33 Visitor Messages

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  1. Human- Vinny

    Dewman- Freakazoid

    CAST- Valen
    "Crab Knight"

    Newman- Bang Shishigami
    Seygram Greywords
    Girouette Magnus

    ^_^ They don't have many options due to Caseal having the most clothing AND being scattered on different accounts D:
  2. sned me Pms of their looks? o:
  3. Newman, Dewman, and Cast -_-
  4. What are your choices? o.o
  5. D: Im trying to get something for the contest but haven't had the desire to actually play as of late and no sure what to enter >_<
  6. Four months later Vin finally posts my character profile.
  7. Oh my, thats mah lil Cyuss :P
    (not so lil anymore tho)
  8. When you get the chance check out the PSO2 ship 2 RP group page I think theres something you might like in it
  9. Quick question is my mag acceptable to have with me?
  10. Thaaaaank yoooouuuuuu Tenebris *hug* I wish I could party out with you guys :< :3 But thanks again squee.
  11. Happy Birthday Vinvin!

    Hope you have a good time~!
  12. O:! Depends on what kind of look you wnt for her
  13. I made a human version of my Caseal and was wondering if you got any recommendations of outfits I could try out on her for furure photoshoots :P
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 33 of 33
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