Conversation Between Tessu and Retniwreven

28 Visitor Messages

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  1. Sorryyy I keep forgetting to get on Dx

    I've been good-ish. I'm really tired. Just got up. Which is weird for me, usually I'm up at 7-8.
  2. Retni hasn't seen you on Mabi in foreverrrrr.
    This is a pity.

    Oh well. How you? =X
  3. It's pretty hard starting off. Gimme a yell if you need help.
    And remember I'm on Ruairi. I can't help you on the others.
  4. Ah, thanks. :0 I shall find this Mabinogi. And then I shall play it! >;3
  5. If it's the one I have the most pictures of in the thread, it's called Mabinogi. I play on the Ruairi server. XD
    If it's the two pictures where I said "Looking kind of X there, Pastel" it's Ragnarok Online 2.
  6. Well fine. If you're going to actually make me put effort into this...
  7. The one in the Cats thread? I bumped that. Take a look at like, the last 20 pages or so. XD
  8. Hey, what's that one MMORPG that I saw you posting screenies of a few times? It looks really cute and I've wanted to ask if I could try it for a while ;o
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 28 of 28
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