Conversation Between Seth Astra and Broken_L_button

306 Visitor Messages

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  1. Get to the chat?
  2. Alright. Though, I'm not feeling particularly well at the moment, so my words may lack a bit of...Coherence.
  3. Chat box?
  4. YouTube - ‪MMZ - Breaking the Habit‬‏

    Calling someone a zero is no longer an insult, but the highest complement one can give.
  5. Alrighty then.
  6. Yo, chat?
  7. Well, there are, like, 4 short Anime clips from some japanese commercials and a bunch of stills from the game. Not a lot to go on. Oh, and: CHAT BOX!!!
  8. "It happens" That made me chuckle.

    And indeed it was. A shame that they didn't show enough of MMZ's Zero D:
  9. It comes from watching Megman Anime type stuff. He's not normally that flashy. He's just at, like, 75% or more SEED corruption. It happens.

    And that's an epic vid, right?
  10. Aye. Altis seems to be fond of using flashy moves. And that's a good thing.
  11. Oh, and check my latest PSWV post. While listening to the music from that vid and imagining the scene in an anime style. I did it. It was truely epic.
  12. EPIC tribute to the two greatest swordsmen ever:
    YouTube - ‪Zero and Protoman‬‏
  13. Get to the chat box now before I Jack In VoidMan.EXE, send him to your comp, and do to it what Crossblade or whatever his name is did to Lan's!
  14. I guess I'll indulge you then. Now to find ze link to ze BAWCKS...
  15. Oh come on! Due to my usual schedual, I shouldn't even BE on here to begin with. At least give me a few minutes, dude!
  16. I'll have to decline again, since I'll be hitting the sack soon. Sorry D:
  17. Come to the chat!
  18. Sorry I vanished on you earlier. Chat was going mad on me. BTW, I'm working on creating classic Bass as a Megamerged form. Unfortunately, it'll have to wait, since I doubt I'll have time over the week.
  19. That does get better, too, don't worry. And, even so, at least his typos are common enough mistakes that it's still possible to understand everything.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 306
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