Conversation Between SolarSamurai and Chukie sue

58 Visitor Messages

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  1. So do you play Brawl too?
  2. Alright.
  3. It's my only GB at the moment, when I find another It's yours
  4. Could I have one??
  5. Yeah :O
  6. Do you have a Gale Bringer?
  7. It's ok. It happends.
  8. Sorry dude I got dc'd and couldnt reconnect.
  9. nothin' really atm, how bout you?
  10. Hey, watcha doin?
  11. Alrighty
  12. Crap man sorry, something just came up again... no joke :/

    See you tonight though!
  13. ok!
  14. I could play now ish.. But I might be called for a soccer game ;o
  15. So when you want to do some runs?
  16. It's ok, I was just playing =P
  17. I had to leave ;o;

    Sorry, stuff came up
  18. You were too busy degending squishy to even reply? D: I see how it ish. ='[
  19. Why not?
  20. I'll try, but I might not be able to make it :/
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 58
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