Conversation Between Reia and Ark22

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. If you look like that in real life, you look cute =D. But I like my character just gotta fix his eyebrow.
  2. Well I already got the idea beforehand, as said its a self-potrayal. Maybe you should spend more time until you find something good. Like any drawing, they take time to be well done.
  3. Looks awesome, my character looks meh, dunno why but he looks like a chick, he is on page 3.
  4. Around Page 21 in the screenshot thread.
  5. Taking forever....
  6. About to post it right now.
  7. Did you make your character yet?
  8. Okie dokie.
  9. Well I'll get PSOBB, the other games are too laggy and bored around here.
  10. Well if you have a ps3 I play a ton of games, from RPG's to action. If you want we could play PSOBB. I would have to redownload it again haha.

    Oh and tell me when you come across a good game.
  11. Nope I don't and I'm actually done helping my lil' bro now. So I'm looking up for a game to play online now.
  12. Psssssssssssssst, do you have Phantasy Star Portable 2 Eng? We can play that online.
  13. Well up to you :P

    WOuld give me a reason to play again =D!
  14. I could get PSOBB but now I promised my lil' bro to help him with his Aion's EU guild, need to gank some asmo newbies.
  15. Lol add me and find out. Ark-22-
  16. With internet problems on the PS3 atm. And I dont think I may have much games you might care about to play multiplayer there.
  17. I have the english version of PSP2... =) Do you have a ps3?
  18. Do you have any of the japanese version of the portable PSU games?
  19. :'( Get it....por favor....I need friends on that *cough* server *cough*, plus there really isn't a big difference besides PC controls.
  20. I poke back, playing PSO on my GC offline mode actually, not a big fan of BB.
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 44
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