Conversation Between ArrayD06 and CookieSundae

34 Visitor Messages

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  1. My characters:

    Fanta (my bad@ss maid wannabe hunter who is also my current main) is Lv. 98
    Mint (my tacky dressed jester) is Lv. 97
    Godiva(my baby character that I will use as soon as Fanta and Mint are Lv. 100) is Lv. 77

    Yeah I'm very determined to get at least 2 of the 3 characters to Lv. 100 by the time my summer vacation is over lol.

    OMG I can't wait to see the art work! *cough*yuri*cough*
  2. o=

    Good luck. ^o^b
    What level are your characters now?

    XD yus. I have a art surprise for you too. ^o^b

    //have to scan/upload them on comp soon
  3. Nothing much.
    Just power-leveling all my PS0 characters so I can have a sense of who'd be my best main

    I see that your guild is coming together nicely
  4. hurray! ^o^b

    What's uppers?
  5. Ahhhhhhhh I can't wait to join! I need to raise some Chato's now lol.
  6. LOOOL yeahh xDD;;

    I'm almost done with guild thing... I need to confirm it with a few people before I post it. OAO;;

    I want to surprise people. LOL mayeb it's best if it's a surprise... ^o^b
  7. The girls are almost always are LOL. Sometimes, I pick the anime male characters from time to time.

    LOL. The males in that game look FAT if they're trying to look muscular. That was a fail lol.

    Ohh ok
  8. lool me too

    i like cute girl characters. i like handsome male characters/even in anime. LOL i played monster hunter tri, the characters look caveman looking LOL females look better ^o^b


    I forgot what stats my luzpariz has i have to check
  9. My strategy in picking characters in any game:

    Pick the beautiful/sexy/cute/cool-looking characters. LOL.

    I don't even pick characters based on stats pffffft (who does that LOL.)
  10. ^o^b

    I love your forces! //hugs them all LOL

    haha alright c:
  11. I'm just watching tv/lounging around lol.

    Relatives! Sounds fun lol.

    OMG you should post a picture of it when it's done!
  12. Nothing much, how about you? xD

    I'm at my relative's house. Connection is slow for wifi. ; n ;

    I'm making a template for my guild atm. I think it looks good! ^o^b

    Just took a shower and ate a late lunch lol (I woke up at 3pm xP).

    What are you up to?
  14. Hi, FANTAAAA ^o^b

    how are you?
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