Conversation Between DeathDragon2332 and ARChan

89 Visitor Messages

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  1. Added a new twist to the fanfic. You'll see what it is ^_^

    Also, let me know what choice you went for :P
  2. I updated my fanfic again ;3
  3. Ah, okay. Take your time
  4. Sorry I have been really busy and stressed a lot lately when I get the time to I will read the new entries and let you know how I feel and the other things you asked.
  5. Added another entry.

    Just for reference's sake, mind if you tell me what you think is happening from the Fortuna arc and Calai arc (how they cross would be nice as well)? Thorough input would be most helpful. Also, if you want to, you can also put a character summary for both. I know this is asking for a lot but I want to know what direction I'm leading people.
  6. -poke-
  7. Ok
  8. Added a new entry
  9. Well, I planned things out and this MIGHT work. I just need to let everyone who's frequenting it that I might end up deleting the part from Gal Da Val all together if this is poorly executed.
  10. Yes I caught that after I typed it but I was busy so I didn't fix it, I also typed that after just waking up ha ha my bad.
  11. *overdo

    Overdue = past a deadline

    Anyway, it is bothering me that I think I took a massive turn from the original story plot. I want to make this work, but this is going to be difficult to put together...
  12. Ah well don't overdo it!
  13. It's okay. It's mostly due to stress of studies is all.
  14. Oh that sucks. I would try to help but I have 0 and I mean 0 writing talent! >.< sorry
  15. I'm starting to draw a writer's block... I know what I want to do with the next entry but I just don't know how to go about it...
  16. Ah alrighty thanks i'll look into them. Also good job on your fanfic ha ha /
  17. Oh. And watch this. Most epic boss battle win ever:

    Nichijou - Dolph&#39;s Death - YouTube
  18. Romance action... Hmm... Have you checked out Tower of Druaga? There are two seasons of it out now. The first season is Sword of Uruk and the second is Aegis of Uruk. I highly recommend it if you're into SAO.

    Also, I added a new entry to my fanfic :3
  19. Ha ha ok will do. Tho I might not like it, I am huge into Romance/Action anime. I have ran out of anime tho >< the only one left is SAO which is so so good!!
  20. You should check out Nichijou, if you're into randomness and anime :3 You might get a few laughs in there.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 89
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