Conversation Between Seth Astra and Broken_L_button

306 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yep. I noticed right from Ep1 to Ep3, the backgrounds look more crisp. And then there's a host of other little details showing Vega.exe's dedication to that project. I just wish he'd pay more attention to typos; it makes it all look less...Professional.
  2. I will inform you: It keeps getting better and better.
  3. Finished Ep3 yesterday, going to watch the a few of the others later tonight.
  4. Dang. BTW, how far have you gotten in Vega's Legion?
  5. Pretty nice sprites there. Though, I'd work a little bit more on the dual buster one. We only see Zero's buster clearly in the pic, so it might be a tad confusing. And I'm afraid I'll have to decline your offer for now; got a few errands to take care of quite soon.
  6. Yo, chat!
  7. This is what happens when I get bored:

    Unless you don't like the world, you won't let me get bored.
  8. Also, that guy's dedicated. He made ep. 1 3 years back or something. Episode 10 came out on Tuesday. He sure has stuck with it.
  9. Ok, I am there now, so get over there!

    P.S. Link to the first episode (note that it skips episode 2 for some reason).

    YouTube - ‪Vega's legion Episode 1‬‏
  10. Any act is be justified when it's in the name of Megaman, so no worries.
  11. If you are on the chat, my appologies, but I won't be there for a little bid. Loading a Youtube vid, and if I tried to open Xat, I would be unable to go on for hours. In my defense: It's a really sweet series of Megaman BN fan movies.
  12. I see you're using some fancy spelling for BAWCKS thar.
  13. Yo, Bauwxks o deh Chat!
  14. Bauwkxs de la kchaat.
  15. *A scroll appears on BLB's user page*

    Thoust are requested to immediately procede to the chatbox by order of Lord Seth Astra. This is of great importance. Failure to comply may compromise the future of TGZ. Please regard this as among your top priorities.
  16. You made me have a little chuckle there. Guess I'll drop in, but only for a little while, sadly.
  17. Let me see if I can do this... "Get on the chat, old chap." Sorry, I don't speak English, only American.

  18. "Canadian" isn't a language, good sir. If you meant Canada's 2 official languages, French and English, well, you have:

    "Get on the chat, old chap."


    "Je requiert votre présence dans l'utilitaire de clavardage."

    Granted, for the French translation, I used a more verbose way of writing. With that, I reckon I'll spam teh CHAT BAWCKS.
  19. How do you say "get on the chat" in Canadian?
  20. I'll have to pass for now, since I'll be going after this little forum perusing of mine. I have some cats to throw in the microwave, you see.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 306
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