Conversation Between DoctorShanks and GoblinX_x

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. In case you log on to see this, I'm currently playing with a friend so I'd rather the three of us connect instead of just us two. I have a host up.
  2. I'd also just like to note that you shouldn't be posting everywhere with the same message. As long as you've posted in the FC thread then your message should get across. Keep in mind that it's a forum

    Oh and sorry for the essay below. It's just hard to believe that you'd be able to find me so I was pretty excited,
  3. What a coincidence huh? It's a good thing I played as my RAcast. I actually wrote a little paragraph about my playthrough with your FOnewm. I'll try to dig it out, give me a sec...

    QUOTE: I just finished an interesting Free Play run with a FOnewm named GoblinX_x. He wasn't a noob per se, but more like a newb, learning as we went along and willing to learn, which is great. What was interesting about the run is that there wasn't a total language barrier, so we were able to communicate in a sense where "Good Work" was a compliment rather than a Good-bye message. He complimented me often, which was nice, though probably because my RAcasts damage towered over his. Not a good run, but a fun and cool run.

    I wrote that 2 weeks ago. I know it isn't completely positive, but thats usually because my standards were raised a little too high at the time. Sorry about that What I would like to do is offer you to try to adopt a more supportive playstyle as CASTs crave Shifta and Deband... and even Jellen/Zalure. I know I shouldn't be telling you how to play the game, but it's merely a suggestion.

    The reason I was hitting so high with my RAcast is because I tagged Celeb Lv3 on all of his weapons and equipped an Element boost which raised it to Celeb Lv4 and there fore granted a 40% damage boost. Gun and Meele resistances suck in this game which makes Forces nearly overpowered =/

    And lastly, if you ever need anything at all, check out my trade list in the trading section. I can give away plenty of the items for free. Great job by the way. It's not often I find good english players out there on Free Play.

    Talk to you later. I'll do my best to find extra time for PSZ tonight or tomorrow.
  4. hey doctor shanks i played with you on free ply mode.
    you know goblinX_x.
    i hope your well.
    its cool i found you on this site ^_^.
    i added u as well if thats okay heres my friend code 1634 5047 1077 take care my friend.
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