Conversation Between Xaeris and BIG OLAF

50 Visitor Messages

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  1. ...I don't even remember adding you in-game. What's your character name (or ID)? I've got a big list of people, surprisingly.
  2. It was hardly a Herculean effort on my part, but hey, you're quite welcome. Thanks for accepting my request in the game.
  3. Forgot to thank you for accepting my friend request. So, thanks!
  4. Oh, thank you very much. If you don't get in, but have things you'd like to see, I'll do my best to show you.

    I'm sure you'll get your invite, though. It seems most people around here are, and I personally think you deserve one.
  5. Oh, by the way, congrats on getting into beta! I'm still praying, but at least one of us has the opportunity to take a greater variety of screenshots.
  6. Heh, indeed. I'd use a seductive picture of Nassandra's lips or something if I could, but one may be more cautious about such a type of permanent decision.

    Well, good luck getting a good shot once the Beta is live (assuming you got in/will get in). If you'd like help, I'm quite good at taking in-game screenshots. If not, that's fine, too. Thanks for shedding some light on the 'Mystery of Xaeris' Invisible Custom Avatar.'
  7. I've been trying to take a good headshot of my PSO HUmar recreation, but the 64x64 pixel limitation leaves me wanting to be able to zoom in more. I briefly considered using a shot of Leah's rack, but, I have to live with this thing, you know?
  8. Anything you're looking for in particular? Like, another Reve picture? or maybe (much more likely), a good shot of one of your own creations?
  9. As a matter of fact, I did earn a custom avatar. I just haven't redeemed it because I haven't found a picture I'd like to use. I've been cropping some pictures I've taken from the CC, but eh, nothing leaps out at me yet.
  10. Hey, you won that fan fic contest a while back, right? Didn't you ever get your custom avatar for the site (asking because I noticed that you have a default 'Reve' avatar)?
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 50 of 50
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