Conversation Between Ryno and NDW

92 Visitor Messages

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  1. guess what?
  2. Thanks for accrediting me! But, I don't think it will matter much to a new member of the Web site. So, I think it's not needed to credit me every time a new member is welcomed, but I think I will put something in my signature for members to recognize me by.

    Thanks for indirectly giving me this idea!
  3. giving you credit. so everyone will know that you started it.
  4. Oh yeah, True Darkness S.
  5. oh and i rmember we would do GUARDIANS COlony missions forgot what it was called. and and you were trying to hunt for an agito Repca or axes? and at the last part of the bosses i got a Ank Zagza! lol. which only goes for like 60k. lol
  6. My last good memory of you on PSU was when we were doing Bruce's Dungeon S runs. But, I will always remember your good Acroteching skills.

  7. you know what still brings back memories.
    it was playing PSU 360. we were sitting in Parum Guardians Branch.
    Durring an event. when you announced that you're quitting 360 servers. and the last day you partied with me.
    I still have a good memory of it. i should have taken a photo of it.
  8. Yep, July 10th is the earliest recorded date that I started this trend of mine. Funny how this trend is used by other members today, including newest members! I'm so proud. *sniff*
  9. I think becuase you started the "Happy Birthday" and "The Welcome to PSO-World" back in 2008

    and everyone started to follow. i even I notice to as well. that you were the 1st one. to do it.


    "Welcome to!" was the 1st thing i saw from you.
  10. Hm, I see.
  11. haha! your message wall is full of Thanks. so i just pitched in and said it as well. aha!
  12. Thanks for what?
  13. Thanks!
  14. you know why i dont play PSP. because it looks like PSU related. you can see it. there is just more extra too it. like another big big expansion. and hand held i need somthing new. that doesnt look like it. when PSO2 comes out hope there is nothing that relates to it. i bet they will by putting weps just like they did in PSO. just like when PSU 1st came out. it was the new thing. now waiting for PSO2.
  15. Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 20 of 700

    maybe some were deleted like mine. lol.

    but you're welcome.
  16. *sigh* You'll always remember me by my first character name on PSU, NNEO Nate Dogg, which I still hate and will continue to hate until the day I die. Oh well, I'll just have to overlook it every time you call me that.

    I'm still glad that I quit PSU. I'm not gonna play PSO2 if there is a subscription fee. Sorry! I probably will be addicted to Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity by PSO2's release.

    Thanks a lot for the birthday wish. Things are getting better and better as time goes by. I hope this trend continues!

    P.S. My profile page doesn't say you made the 700th post. ;o

  17. Happy Birthday
    Neon Nate Dog!
    Happy Birthday!!

    The last time i ever played PSU was in Parum. when you gave your items away and you announced that you were quitting. hope you will be playing PSO2.
    i still have a memory of us when the last time we played!

    anyways... HAppy Birthday 20th Buddy. Hope you have a great one.

    PS wow i just made the 700th comment on your wall. just like making 666 post. i must be lucky or a curse. haha! just kidding...
  18. I made the 666 Comment on your wall! hhahaha! just like when you made 666 post! LOL!!
    i'm a curse!! LOL
  19. Nope, not getting PSP2 since I don't have a PSP. Won't get another online PS game unless it's free.

    I haven't been posting much because I have work and college.
  20. soo.. neonatedog .. if you're not coming back to PSU. are you getting PSP2? or going to get when a new Phantasy Star Gen comes out?
    i barely see you post since your 666. :P
    funny and now i just surpass your 601 post. wow. 666!! and you have a 669 post. turn it upside doen it will go back to 666! LOL!
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 92
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