Conversation Between engelsein and Alnet

44 Visitor Messages

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  1. Good! I'm pretty good with Kilik and Siegfried. Astaroth also, to some degree (actually, I love it). Astaroth has my fav throw in the game, from behind. He steps on your back 3-4 times, walking on top of you, and finally steps on your head for the last hit. It's hilarious.

    I think overall, I'm good with Kilik, Siegfried, Nightmare (not as good as I was when the game started, since I forgot some things), Seung Mi-na, Astaroth, Tira, Raphael, and Zasalamel.
  2. whenever you want a match on SCIV just let me know. be aware tho i am a pretty good maxi player
  3. Haha, yep! I have you there too. I usually see you playing SCIV. We should have a match sometime!
  4. hahah hey alnet i actually have you on PS3 psn is Engel24 hahah
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