Conversation Between Chukie sue and Seth Astra

57 Visitor Messages

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  1. thanks <.<
  2. You were that banned guy? Go on and I'll un-ban you.
  3. No Seth, it wasn't a good reason.

    I actually seem to get banned there all the time for no reason at all. Either its a power--starved mod or it just glitches. The only times you see me talking in the chat is if, in fact, I've changed my ip.
  4. Get on the chat.
  5. Go to the chat box...
  6. Aw man that sucks
  7. FYI, it is actually impossible for me to ever go online for PSP2. Sorry.
  8. Chat?
  9. *Performs the Jedi mind trick.* You will go on the chat...
  10. Chat...
  11. Sorry about my random drop-out from the chat - I had to go - it was urgent.
  12. It's absolutely fine, I, of all people, understand with having 3 brothers :/

    Im leaving in the morning so yah, Im still here kinda :/
  13. Okay. Have fun. And sorry about suddenly stopping posting on the chat, someone else need the comp for about 3 mins.
  14. Hey so Ima be out of town for the 10 ten days so take care, and keep TGZ active ;d
  15. Is there a date that would work with you? I may be able to fit it in (if it isn't on a Sunday)
  16. Ok. Think you'll be available for some matches around Friday 10:00 am- 2:00pm EST?
  17. I'd play you in some MPH... You any good? And who do you play as? (just curious)

    I probably main Sylux most of the time... but it's been awhile.
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 57 of 57
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