Conversation Between Jyasupa and Jaqlou Swig KING

171 Visitor Messages

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  1. Should move to Hipster city so you can hipster it up it'll be gr8 just you w8.

    Was she kawaii? You get pix? You gonna holla @ er?

    BTW Southern girls mad easy @_#
  2. yeah socal suck butthole too

    but today I talked to some lady for a fundraiser and we're both not from LA and she was like
    "omg you're the coolest person I've met here and your outfit is so cute ugh"

  3. This place suuuuucks. But shenanigans are fun wherever.

    Literally forgot she lived here. Probably not tho xD
  4. how flowrida

    did you meet oyo

    she gotta phatty?
  5. U called me kawaii
    Now im gonna be super shy when talking 2 u just gr8
  6. i guess ur kawaii XD
  7. Idk I guess

    I only wear em when driving and games anyway, not when bumpin n grindin
  8. Are your glasses cute

    if they are, maybe.
  9. Am I hasubando material?
  10. Lol I forgot he existed
    Nah he isn't hasubando material, he hella dum
  11. Isn't the red haired pirate dude totally up your alley?
  12. But no hasubando character but I'l forgive the show because it's actually good
  13. I watched three episodes of yalls show.



    the loli is kawaii
  14. NAH SON
  16. ain't it a kawaii girls doing kawaii things being kawaii in a kawaii show?
  17. Is okay just add an extra show npnp
  18. Yeah, La'Kukusha told me to watch it too. I'm already watchin too much though.

    Dang, I feel like even if you did bother with a kawaio you'd just get bored of them in a day anyway.
  19. LOOLL its so good watch it

    Yeah I already forgot what they looked like LOL
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 171
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