Conversation Between Chrysheight and Vintasticvin

78 Visitor Messages

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  1. Oh, my streaming? Yeah. Been busy busy. x.x
  2. The Streamings are over for now I take it?
  3. I haven't bugged you in a while. Hi~
  4. Oh, so my day normally. xD
  5. A little above slow and currently break time at the time of this post.
  6. Yup. So how's your day been?
  7. Very weird
  8. Yup yup. It's weird. xD
  9. I get those alot its usually staticy distorted voices.
  10. Lololol. Right?! I'm sitting here like "I don't even know."
  11. Wooooo eeeee ooooo
  12. Ikr? It's insane. It made me laugh my ass off though. Like really? It showed up as unknown number on my phone too. So I'm like "What?"
  13. ... What the actual fuck... Thats crazy lmfao
  14. I like how someone told me today that they'd feast on my soul. Thought I'd share. Yes. Literal thing. Got called on my phone by random number. They told me that, then hung up.
  15. Vin, if you have skype, you should add me, for justice. :3
  16. It is at 8pm est. So like an hour early-ish.
  17. >_>Bleh
  18. I am unsure since info on update the 14th. Lol.
  19. Mhm, and happy maintenance day to you by the way... or is it maintenance night?
  20. I know right?!
Showing Visitor Messages 41 to 60 of 78
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