Conversation Between Tiffiana and Mutsumi_Sanada

111 Visitor Messages

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  1. Yeh, I change it from time to time..
  2. ohh O: and you changed your avy :3
  3. No. Plus all I have is my phone now. But no one to talk to. -.-;
  4. dont have anyone on a messenger prorgam? O:
  5. It gets boring though. I usually just sit around on here to see.if anyone is on.
  6. could be worse O: you coulda been like "nope!" lmao xD so your exciting enough x3
  7. Music, gaming, anime. Stuff like that. Nothing very exciting. :/
  8. ohhh :3 oki hehe so what do you do to pass the time? :3?
  9. Evil? No. Not without a good reason.
  10. *nods* its what i can gather thus far :3 are you something else in your own mind? O: like are you super duper evil??? O:
  11. Really? A gentle person huh? Is that really a good thing though? Well I'm glad you can open up to me and I hope We'll be good friends. I'm sort of mysterious though.
  12. yeah shes super cool O: i think you're pretty cool yourself :3 i've actually had a pretty easy time talking to you thus far...usually im pretty timid, and it takes me time to open up a bit xD but you seem like a gentle natured person so i didnt feel as timid :3
  13. That's a cute name. Married huh. Sounds kinda nice. I forget how I met Chelsea. Probably through totori. Chelsea is an awesome person.
  14. you can call momo x3 *wags tail* well me and ashley are married x3 and i met chelsea through ashley and became friends and now i know you through chelsea :3
  15. You're so silly. So what do I call you anyways dear?

    You three are really close, huh?
  16. *wags tail and kicks my leg as you rub my tummy* x3
  17. *rubs your tummy* chasing your tail of course
  18. *rolls onto back* doing what? :3
  19. Careful or you're gonna make yourself dizzy like that.
  20. *tilts head* iono am i? *tries to look at myself, and ends up chasing my own tail*
Showing Visitor Messages 61 to 80 of 111
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