Conversation Between Ruru and biggabertha

106 Visitor Messages

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  1. omg i'm already bored without this silly game!!! guess i'll just spend time with (you know who)
  2. :3


  3. I cosplay too, yes you look hot but you're not a girl.... you're a lady!

    Not some whiny, species hating little giiiiiiiiirl!
  4. i dont lob anything i shoot things out of tech weapons! (picks up black nest megid gun and points it at alex* MUAHAHAHAHA *cough*...

    anyway i'm gonna be on PSU (almost wrote PSO >.>; ) if you dont show up in like an hour or so i'll assume you can't lol. so see you or see you not, later.
  5. well either way. you changed it now anyway so.... *megidsalex*
  6. kinda funny your title says pianist yet your profile picture is you on the guitar
Showing Visitor Messages 101 to 106 of 106
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