Conversation Between Ash1ey and Forever Zero

349 Visitor Messages

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  1. Been playing Final Fantasy XIV lately. How about you?
  2. playing anything good, or up to anything fun latelyz?
  3. Thanks, Ashley!
  4. Happy belated birthday..... sorry I missed it again this year hope it was a good one! And I hope you're well as well!
  5. nah lolz, was watching a stream of it yesterday, and that part came on, and I thought of you cause I remember you laughed really hard at it back in the day lol
  6. I love that part. XD I take it you are playing through FF7?
  7. *drops sector 7 on lower slums of midgar, while blaring opera music* its still funny like 10 years later
  8. Hi, Ashley! I'm doing good. Sure, I'd like to hear an update. Shoot me a PM when you get a chance.
  9. So hows life treating you and stuff If you don't mind, I'd like to give you an update about how my hormone therepy is going (via PM of course!)
  10. Sounds like my kind of game lol. Thanks for the input I may look into Rogue Galaxy. It is still pretty cheap on Ebay too.
  11. Yup i have rogue galaxy, its a raelly great game! I strangely hated it at first but after a few hours it I started liking it, and then eventually loving it. It has some really great FF11/12 sized areas to explore later on, but with action rpg gameplay, so its win win there. The story is pretty good, thuogh I forgot most of it already lol. I got it for only 10$ new a few years ago, so its absolutely worth the price! Very high quality game
  12. I just recently watched the entire .hack//sign anime myself. I watched parts of it before but this is the first time I watched every episode. I really like the story to it. The games are getting to be pretty expensive. I'm trying to get what I can now before the prices go up even more.

    Sounds like you have a lot of games to play lol. I heard the first Torchlight was really good.

    In my searches through ebay I ran across this PS2 RPG called Rogue Galaxy. I was wondering if you ever played it? It kind of reminds me of Star Ocean from the screenshots and box art.
  13. Nice, I only played infection, but not the other games,,, but i have actually been rewatching .hack//sign, and then i'm going to watch someone play the first 4 games on youtube cause the last one costs like 150$ lol but let me know what you think of GU when you get to it I thought itw as a wonderful trilogy!

    Not much here... I baught borderlands 2 and torchlight 2 on steam sale last night and they are pretty fun, might even get to play them with good ol' Eric sometime... and thent heres PSO2 ep2 coming out in 2 days, lots to do lol
  14. Just started playing the .hack series finally. I'm starting from the beginning with .hack//infection. What have you been up to?
  15. wazzzz good in ur neighborhoood?
  16. Its a hack and slash RPG very similar to Shining force Neo. it suffers from a lot of the exact same problems that Neo had, but the games stats are a little bit better balanced then Neo. If you like Neo, you'll probalby like EXA, and if you didn't, well probably not :P lol its pretty much a reskin of Neo
  17. That's cool. I love games with a good sound track.

    Is Shining Force EXA a turn based RPG or is it more like a hack & slash?
  18. Nice, the .hack//GU games are really good, really great character developement, awesome art style, and music so good.......... that I actaully bought the OSTs :P I liked Shining force EXA a lot, it has a ton of flaws, but its really really fun
  19. So far I like the Virtua Fighter and .hack characters. I can't wait until I get Megaman X and Zero on my team. This game is also making me want to play other games too. I just ordered .hack//GU off ebay because of this PXZ. Now I kind of want Shining Force too lol.
  20. so who are your favorite chars in PXZ right now? I'm only up to ch 8 but I like Soma and Alisa from God Eater this game is making me want to play a lot of games i never did before
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