Conversation Between Angry_Ryudo and BIG OLAF

143 Visitor Messages

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  1. Do want :3
  2. I have...things...if you'd want to see them.
  3. ~w~ munyaaa

    Couldn't get rid of error 107, after Ep3 update it was error 103, now I have to use the proxy.
  4. *pets*

    Mmmm, Ame returns.

  5. I believe in you! ;-;
  6. Some day.... =w= when error 107 ends...
  7. No, actually! I've had a lot of people mention it to me over the years. I also think she does. I used Bayonetta's face as a very loose inspiration for Nassie's in PSO2.

    Obviously, her attitude was heavily inspired by Bayonetta, as well.
  8. Am I the only one that thinks that Bayonetta resembles Nassandra? o_O
  9. "mmmmhm" would be mouse left button function, lol.
  10. I don't think I'd be able to concentrate if there was a 1st-person Nassie game. I'd be looking down and going "mmmm" too much...
  11. Someday circumstances won't be against you...I hope!

    and you're welcome. Hope it was a nice day for you.
  12. Thanks! I wish I could manage my time better so I could draw at least weekly, but it seems I suck at that/circumstances are always against me D:

    Thanks again! xD
  13. Happy Birthday!

    ...If I could draw, I'd draw you a picture.
  14. Whoa, doing what you love and getting paid for it? I'm jealous! That's what everyone aspires to do ;-;
  15. Yep, it involves 3d modeling too :3 I'm quite happy!
  16. Oh....that makes sense then, hehe. I'm happy you got some fancy new toys, though! You like the job?
  17. Not yet, because of the job! xD
  18. Oh, that's really good to hear! So, with your new laptop, can you further pursue your 3D rendering hobbies?
  19. Not bad right now! I got a job and a new laptop!
  20. So, how's life going, anyway? ;o
Showing Visitor Messages 21 to 40 of 143
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