Conversation Between Hosaka and TetsuyaHikari

6 Visitor Messages

  1. To be fair... I didn't know it was your shirt when I ate it ( ̄□ ̄;)
  2. You... ate my shirt? o_o
  3. >OK, so here I am trying to work right? And then suddenly BAM. Distracted by a pair of giant problems.

    And people wonder why I prefer DFC~

    >How did you lose your shirt?

    OM NOM NOM (`・ω・´)”
  4. Also, just added you on MSN. I'm not sure how often you're on, but I figured why not. We talk in-game and whatnot. Hope you don't mind!
  5. Haha. I know, right? I was going to use my Facebook profile picture since it's awesome, but this one will do for now~
  6. Dat profile picture. *Google Image Searches for full pic*
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6