Conversation Between BIG OLAF and Xaeris

50 Visitor Messages

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  1. Did I miss something? What happened to all of your pictures?
  2. Right right, usually the people who become uber in those kinds of games hit the ground running and get while the getting's good and the game is relatively new.

    Also, happy birthday, my friend.
  3. Me, I was off playing FFXIV. It was a gift from a friend who was begging me to give a second chance. It's not so much that I loved it and got lost in it as it is if I have any intention to play over the long term, I'd like to get my hooks in the economy now while the iron's hot. I'll be around more when Super Hard lands.

    Until then, stay swole.
  4. The head sketches commission has been submitted to the artist. Now whenever she gets to them, we'll be in business.
  5. Hot dang, that iteration of Vivica was pretty scary. I didn't know you could get the arms or the torso (speaking in reference to the '/mla sexy' picture in your album) that 'big'. It was almost too big, haha.
  6. Ha, yeah, they were pretty big. Since I had an hour to kill with the Salon ticket, I decided to get to know the sliders a bit better and ran into that along my experimentation. I'm happy with the final result, but man, did that take a lot of tweaking.
  7. Hope you had a good New Years Eve/Day!
  8. Have a damn good Christmas, bud!
  9. Needs to update his picture album over yonder --->
  10. I know I already said this, but:

    Happy Birthday! !! I hope our friendship grows stronger.
  11. I guess there's some truth to that. I mean, if you look at real-life celebrities, they get thousands of people oogling them all the time. But, also, there's always a dark, extensive underground of people that hate the air they breathe, for whatever reason.

    It just gets really frustrating sometimes, and I have to vent a little here and there, or I really would probably just tell the mods to delete my account and disappear from here forever (which I don't want to do).
  12. You know, I've always just chalked it up to differences in e-fame. I keep a low profile and don't get too many people ragging on me (still a couple) and along with it, not much praise either. On the other hand, you get lots of people gushing over Nassie, making her a high value target. Everything in a balance.

    Sometimes, I wish I'd get more comments, but, eh, I like my low profile.
  13. Ahehe, if I can afford one (unless, by some miracle, I manage to get the blue one from my scratch tries, har-har)!
  14. Blah, I can't be online tonight when the servers come back up like usual. I'll have to wait for tomorrow to rock the bikini. Wear it vicariously for me until then!
  15. Sorry about that. Wasn't feeling too well last night (still not, really). I take it you had a bad night too, seeing as you were at a hospital at midnight. Usually not a situation where something pleasant is happening.
  16. Okay, so I can't really talk now (posting from iPhone in a hospital), but I hope what ever brings that on passes quickly. Please endure.
  17. Thanks a lot. I like showcasing my favorites; it just took me a while to actually muster up the willpower to build a new album. I'm sure Cherise will be making it into more pictures in that album, don't you worry.
  18. The new album's nice. Hurray for Cherise for making the cut in one.
  19. Indeed. I furiously await your final decision.
  20. Hmm, I should take a PSO2 picture. Of what, is the question. I'll meditate on that.
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