Conversation Between HouseKat and Arika

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Kity, did you see the noticfy in the team? we merged with another team and have new name now btw!

    please come and join us, contact me when u online. or contact anyone in old team. since all already moved to new team here together, but I not see you.
  2. I just dl it yesterday. I noticed I could not get on ship 2 or 10 so i'm on ship 7. A bit confusing on the JP server but i'll give it a shot until release in US.
  3. wow, this is unexpected Kity.
    back to play PSO2? most are playing on JP server right now.
    but the server 02 where everyone is playing on is full right now. You could make account first and then wait until it reopened the slot tho. it is close/open for awhile already.
  4. Hi Arika!
  5. Meowww~
  6. okay, your first post got stolen by me!!
    Rora couldnt make it in time obviously
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7