Conversation Between Dallasdaddi and Ash1ey

7 Visitor Messages

  1. well when I played i just gradually leveled my techs most of the time,lol. I would get too bored trying to just level techs
  2. hi ash1ey forces are the best
  3. isint it hard to level technics it took me two weeks to get ramegid , nosdiga & megid to lv up to lv 50
  4. I like and play all type :P
    my fav techs are probably all the gi techs, but especially gifoie, I like ramegid too
  5. Are you the force type me too whats your favorite technic mine are nosdiga, megid, ramegid & zonde & diga , resta & reverser
  6. sure hiya nice to meet you
  7. Hi wanna be my friend
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7