Conversation Between BloodmageR and LK1721

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  1. Awww yeeeah, in line with these games: Transistor. Just, ugh, so great so far. The soundtrack is so atmospheric and fabulous, and the game is so beautiful. Not entirely sure about the story yet since I'm only a few levels in, but so far it might end up on my top 10.

    XD I've been digging up fossils and trying my damnedest to befriend all of my villagers. At the very least the game operates on time so I can regulate when I play and not be up at 3AM trying to make this pixel-penguin happy.

    Funny thing with tablets is that they always feel so very different from paper drawing that it feels like starting from square one, that said, a good brand of tablet to test the waters would be the Monoprice brand tablets. They're cheap but durable with decent pressure sensitivity to boot. Games aren't a bad choice though

    I recently had to pass up on a con but since it is the season for lots of the bigger conventions, many of the artists I like to follow have been pumping out now my studio walls are covered with them and my wallet is sobbing. I have to get surgery on my feet mid-next month so I don't know how limited I'll be on footwear yet, which will change multiple things. I'm heavily contemplating a Borderlands costume though, since most of the characters are wearing flat shoes. Shame though, I really wanted to cosplay Satsuki in the Fall at my state's biggest convention.

    Sorry for the delayed reply, I went to a concert and then had to rush to pack for camping, so I've been busy. And also ended up with weird tramp-stamp sunburns because I forgot that ladies shirts tend to ride up in the back, hahaha!
  2. I'm a sucker for a nice soundtrack or a creative videogame design too. I suppose that's why I was so into Braid, Limbo, Fez, Super Meat Boy, Brothers: A tale of two sons, and Banner Saga. LOOOOOVE an awesome mix of OST and artistic style. :3

    It's hilarious the way that Animal Crossing can make you feel that the little critters in your town *depend* on you to survive. Like they're super pissed if you just miss talking to them for ONE day! OMG! My life doesn't revolve around you Bear-dude! XD Eventually I just gave up and simply dug up fossils to sell so I could expand my house as well as buy new furniture.

    Sweeeeet. I was SO CLOSE to spending my tax return on a Wacom Intuos 5 drawing tablet--but I decided I may need more hand-to-paper practice instead and went to simply using the money to buy games off steam instead. Last year's tax return, I spent it on a new DSLR camera lens and that was freaking amazering! \o/

    lol... *shamelessly copy pastas from Chelsea's page onto yours~*

    Over here I just got back from an anime/Sci-fi convention and it was a blast! I talked to the voice actress from Tales of Xillia who did the puppet Teepo's english voice, as well as stuff like Skullgirls, DoA5 Ultimate(Rachel), Catherine, Shin Megami Tensei, Hyperdimension Neptunia etc. She was friendly. There was also actors from the new Battlestar Gallactica, Star Trek:TNG, and then the makeup artist who won an oscar for the Lion the witch and the wardrobe, as well as working on Sin City, and Kill Bill.

    On the merchandise side of things it was pretty cool, lots of interesting little crafts people made so I picked up a big painting based on Game of Thrones and another on Legend of Zelda. I also picked up a nice Megaman riding a Chocobo 8-bit art piece. Plus there was also the typical stuff you'd find from a vendor like action figures, board games, T-shirts, etc. but that was expensive and I used up my money quickly! XD

    I was wearing a gaming T-shirt but I felt kinda bad since practically 90% of the people there were in cosplay! You had the usual Avengers, Hatsune Miku, Darth Vader, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy and then there was some awesome anime cosplay for Haruhi, Madoka, and lol I counted at least 12 people dressed as the characters in Attack on Titan! I guess that's the big one this year. Have you made any(or thought of any) new costumes lately?

    Anyway, I hope you're havin' a fantastic weekend over there and I'll see you around!
  3. Thank you! Oh, that sounds like it'd be a pretty awesome choice.

    Child of Light was lovely. I really dig the art style and minimalist sound track, not to mention I am an absolute sucker for fairy tales and fables so that was an instant-buy for me. I just barely finished The Banner Saga which leaves me eagerly waiting for more even though every single decision in that game felt like it was the wrong choice, hahaha. Overall it was a really enjoyable game and I liked the art and soundtrack for it as well (you may see a trend with the games I like lol). As for Animal Crossing: New Leaf...I FEEL SO VERY RESPONSIBLE FOR THESE PIXELATED ANIMAL PEOPLE OH LORD.

    Outside of that, I'm doing pretty good, it's nice not to have to wake up and go to dumb classes for a little while. I spent my entire tax return on a new drawing tablet and have basically been glued to it for a week.
  4. *looks over Chel's profile* Ohhhh, Congratulations on the graduation! My younger sister is actually also graduating from high school this year, but she still has the month of June to go left. She's been planning since forever to go to Veterinary college so that's cool~

    I sees the new games you've been playing, wow! I'm currently playing Child of light too! After finishing up Banner Saga(which was pretty sweeet), and Animal Crossing: New leaf. How are you finding dem games so far? n' also, everything going well on your side?
  5. lol how could you hate Mako? She's the overly cheerful comedy relief character! She countered the seriousness of everyone else really well. Hard to believe what I was imagining the story would be about in the first episode, that just shows they did an amazing job creating a LEGENDARY tale.

    I was surprised they could keep the elite 4 so relevant to the battle scenes when Satsuki and Matoi were so insanely powerful. A lot of shows(namely DBZ) struggle. Anyway, all the characters had really great charm and personalities as well. They're all badasses in their own ways. Then I loved the little animation details like Gamagori's special head smash move on the transmitter had the outline of an angrier face every time he hit it. Although Jakazure was so cool, I wish they had her do more. Plus the two nudist beach dudes became a bit of an afterthought later on.

    Actually I was hooked right at the first few episodes but I think around episodes 16-19 are the lower point of the series where they slowed down to discuss Nudist Beach, and the pace didn't feel *right*. A few of my friends started to lose interest on the series around that point.

    Over here I jumped back into playin' Diablo 3 since the latest patch and expansion. I'd have to say it has improved many, many times over since the last time I played. Haha, you too? Our cold weather has been pretty ridiculous as well. Over here it was dipping below 0 F for a few days but it's been as high as 32 F on some days! Not to mention the stupid amount of snow with blizzards we've been getting! XD

    Anyway, I hope you have a great weekend! ttyl~
  6. I thought I was going to hate Mako but she's so awesome~ I WILL TAKE ANYTHING I CAN GET AT THIS POINT. Kill la Kill had lots of problems, but man it was one hell of a ride from about episode 4 onwards.

    Yesssss, I love that they've continually paid attention to the Elite 4 and that they were instrumental to helping save the world. Everything about the finale was as badass as I could have hoped for! That said -- The stoic Satsuki Kiryuin hauling ass at top speed, screaming bloody murder and losing her shit trying to catch Ryuko gave me chuckles and warm fuzzies all at the same time because it was so ridiculous, and so fitting for this show.

    Not much, jumped back into PSO2 for a little while, and just now gearing up for my week of doing nothing during Spring Break. Also still waiting for cold weather to go away.
  7. Haha, I'd totally agree that a follow-up slice of life comedy is definitely in order now! Mako has always been a craaaaaaazy hilarious character. There's an OVA coming up next year but it'll just cover their graduation ceremony.

    But wow, that episode! Too much awesome junk happening on top of each other! I was actually surprised by how much time the animation team spent on each costume, since there's pretty much four for every character. Ryuuko's ultima battle in space was intense, and I'd say a fitting end to an epic series. Oh and also, Gamagori's indestructible! :P

    Anyway, besides that, whatcha been up to lately over there? Pick up any new games or plannin' any mischief?
  8. YES. YES I HAVE. It was pretty great, but now I want a couple of slice-of-life episodes...

    XD I technically have been but it's mostly been "I left the browser open all day while I was doing other things"
  9. Woah, woah, woah! Have you watched the finale of Kill la kill yet?! :O

    P.S. lol, you've been online all day! xD
  10. I mean, the original-original Phantasy Star 1 is easy to emulate as well but man is it ugly as hell. It isn't necessary to play them in order, but you understand more of the references to older games if you do. Oooohhh, I seriously should pick that up then (COME AT ME, TAX RETURNS.)

    Well, the "outfits" very conveniently censor the majority of things, and if not tactical belts then there's always pink sparkles~ I like Trigger's sense of irony since the rainbow fashionista and chick in pink are the biggest antagonists of the entire series. I am so excited to see both of them go down. I originally only started watching it because I really dig Studio Trigger's animation, but I did not expect to actually like the show as much as I do, since I'm not usually a fan of over the top, hammy series like this.

    Uuugh, I like snow, but I tend to get sick of it after about mid-January. XD
  11. Cool, it sounds like something to check out. I knew they localized Phantasy Star II-IV on Steam(for super cheap) but I had no clue where to find 1. Bravely Default reminds me of FF tactics with the jobs system, but it also has the orchestral drama of a game like FF XII or Ni no Kuni--you can tell they paid attention the details because it's a blast to explore.

    Yeah, it's kinda funny how Kill la Kill can get away with an ecchi organization like nude beach on Japanese TV(I guess Panty & Stocking did too). Hahaha, Ragyou reminds me of HIM from the Powerpuff Girls, but I think it's really fitting for a villain to be so creepy as your antagonist. Kill la Kill has really became one of my favorite anime in years, it just feels larger than itself with the quality animation, epic OST and backstory, kinda like the ideas behind Madoka as well.

    lol, it's nonstop freeze my butt off over here! XD Supposedly the coldest in years so we don't expect it to warm up over freezing till like June. The cats are going nuts with cabin fever but at least it's cute to see them playin' in the snow or slidin' across the ice.
  12. The release for it to the U.S. was canceled back in 2003, it's called Phantasy Star: Generation 1. Somebody ended up fully translating it though and it works very well on a PS2 Emulator. I might try starting up a classic mode game after I FINALLY BEAT IT on casual. I've heard really good things about Bravely Default, I may need to pick it up eventually.

    It is really only an issue in the very start of the series, the first handful of episodes are a little irritating with it... but by episode 19 no one is wearing clothes so it doesn't matter anyway, as you said. Ragyou (a.k.a. Disco Satan) just makes me uber-uncomfortable anytime she's on screen. I really really dig the animation style and OST though, and Satsuki is so boss I can't even. That's a pretty good comparison for it, though Michiko e Hatchin is a bit more Black Lagoon-ish.

    Ew 10F, luckily it has been warming up where I'm at with lots of rain, which is infinitely better than snow.
  13. Huh, I never heard of the graphically overhauled version, but Polly was telling me that I really have to catch the original Phantasy Star games sometime! I finished up FE:A but I was going to start a new file since half my characters died while on classic mode so I missed A LOT of the conversations/kids. T.T Although right now I'm super addicted to Bravely Default which is a ridiculous amount of fun. Afterwards I think I'll be checking out South Park: A stick of truth, it looks soooo funny!

    Hahah, I think Kill la kill's over-the-top fanservice just adds to the charm of the series. Plus it isn't too onesided to one gender... well okay in the past few episodes, between Ragyou and Satsuki it has been a bit much. But wow! What a shocker with the plot, I'm loving the twists! Actually more recently the series is becoming more and more similar to Gurren Lagann. xD Other than that I'm following Pupa, Nubunaga the fool, Space Dandy, and Space Brothers. I think I'll look into Michiko e Hatchin since it reminds me of El Cazador de la bruja and Gunslinger girl~

    Anyway, otherwise it's pretty much the same ol', I'm freezing @ 10 F as well as taking care of the cats and workin' on uni papers. Playin' with photography and doodlin' in my spare time~ I'll see you around!
  14. I've actually been playing the graphically overhauled version of Phantasy Star 1, which is super fun and I am digging the changes they made to the gameplay, as well as the better fleshing out of characters. <_< Still working on beating FE:A too because I am obsessive about leveling the characters and the support conversations are greatly entertaining.

    Yesss, I still have been following Kill la Kill and cannot believe how much I am enjoying the characters. Fan service I could do without but the characters are so entertaining and endearing. I've also been watching Michiko e Hatchin since the dub is free on Hulu at the moment, which is also pretty great.

    How about yourself?
  15. Heya there! How has everything been going for you over there? Are you playin' any new 3DS games or anything especially entertaining?

    Are you still following Kill la Kill or any equally awesome anime?
  16. Hehe, I find you get soooooooo many characters in FF:A that Classic mode is only a problem at the beginning. I love relationship building in that game though! So much fun. I just hate how my casters/archers were killed early on, and Frederick is such a badass tank who can one shot all bosses.

    True, I haven't really played a pokemon game for years. I guess Gold/silver back 10 years ago would be the last time. I enjoyed them the most when Yellow and Red + pokesnap, and stadium came out.

    Ah, that's awesome that you're playing Diablo 3 with your dad! I'm a huge fan of those types of action RPGs so I played the game back when it came out on the PC with my brother, I was the Witch, and he was a sorceress. It was good fun, but overall I prefer Diablo 2's aesthetic designs. More recently I'm checking out Path of Exile as a ranger~

    Also I just finished Zelda Link between worlds yesterday during a power outage. Such an incredible game! (I may have reached my daily limit on coffee by now! xD) See you around!
  17. Why yes I have been playing FE:A lately! It is more fun than I thought it would be as I have never played a Tactical RPG until this game. I'm too much of a coward to play classic mode though, sooooo yeah.

    Meh, I've been playing Pokemon Silver (on my phone) along with Pokemon X and they feel about the same in terms of difficulty outside of a few things that make X a little less tedious.

    Other than those two games I've been playing Borderlands 2 with a friend, Diablo 3 with my parents, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate.
  18. Do I see that you've been playing Fire Emblem Awakening?! That game is ridiculously addictive! I'm having a lot of fun with it. At the start most of my characters were getting sniped(classic mode is the only way to play) but by now I'm strong enough to deal with it!

    I picked up Pokemon Y as well and I enjoy the game but it just doesn't feel like much of a challenge to me. I grew up with generation 1 so all the newer pokemon aren't as cool I guess. *shrugs*

    So what have you been playing recently? *slurps hot cocoa*
  19. Merry Christmas! I hope you stuff yourself with cookies and hot chocolate while opening awesome presents this year!
  20. I might have to try it out if only for the OST and character designs. Really the only one I know anything about is Flandre(?) because a cosplayer was telling me about how she did the super cool wings with crystals on them. Otherwise I've just seen fanart and even then I don't know the characters very well at all.

    EVEN THEN, I really, really love slow paced series. Both ARIA and Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, which are the "go-to" seriously slow slice-of-life series, are on my favorites list but I love me some over the top shows. Maybe I'm like you, I guess, because I can generally enjoy most genres.

    Oh hell yeah. Though I do like Aoki Ume's character designs, the wide-face moe is not my favorite style. I've read reviews on this figure where people have complained about her face not being accurate, but man oh man do I love EVERYTHING about this figure. Apparently the company is planning on releasing Mami also, which I may have to purchase whenever it gets released. It is really refreshing to see familiar characters in (drastically) different styles. Revy's got that added devil-may-care attitude going for her and wrecks shit up without time stopping abilities, so yeah, hard to beat. Balalaika's more my style though, that woman is JUST SO FIERCE.

    Attack on Titan is pretty good, though in general I don't care too much for mega-grimdark series. I have mostly continued reading because of Mikasa (read: GODDESS OF WAR MADE FLESH), Hanji (actual favorite), Levi, Erwin, and Armin. *_* I started Brotherhood a while back and I think I'll continue watching it after I finish the manga since apparently they are pretty close in terms of plot and progression.
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