Conversation Between psofan219 and A. Zerran

37 Visitor Messages

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  1. Wow, it sucks... why am I not surprised?
  2. Mobius Guarder, that's a new one.
  3. I use Zonde mainly for the chance of stun. I generally use Foie in the Plant and Dark Shrine, where enemies are strong and rather bulky.
  4. You couldn't have chose a better place XD My Pallete's all set up for Paru.
  5. Nah, I'm fine with what I have. Thanks for the offer though.
  6. I usually do much better than that... guess I was on my off game this time.
  7. I forgot that he explodes in your face on Hard -.-
  8. You want any items or weapons?
  9. You want any items?
  10. Lets explore everywhere, so we can get everything we can. I want to make the most out of this.
  11. Yes I did.. and yes I've noticed :P I really only choose HUnewearls because I'm most familiar with them. Been using one ever since the GC days.
  12. It'd be better if we had a form of IM... anyways, do you want to go back or proceed? There's a room we haven't gotten to yet, and it could be a rare block, and at least gives you a better chance at finding what you want, unless it drops from the boss.
  13. Anyways, you read my question?
  14. I've been typing for so long that it's become second nature to me almost. Don't really like how the chat is in-game. Faster and more efficient, as we can just reload after each room and respond, then move on.
  15. I am now hosting...I'm waiting (patiently).
  16. You are now registered. Thank you. And register me as Zerran.
  17. My nickname doesn't matter, put whatever you want to ID me as. I generally prefer my on-screen name here, but since it won't fit, PSOfan works, or something. So long as you're able to tell who's who, it doesn't matter.
  18. I have no hosting issues. At least I don't really think so. Trust me, my wi-fi is reliable.
  19. Whats your nickname for your cartridge?
  20. Oh, and do you have any hosting issues I should be aware of? For some reason, whenever I'm a client, the host always encounters problems. Not sure why, could just be mere coincidence... but one thing that sorta puts me off is being in the middle of a run and then just getting randomly stranded, often times in a much higher place than I'm supposed to be (LV60 in Super Shrine? :P) <--- this character is long gone by the way. My highest is 54.
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