Conversation Between Bomber The Cosmonaut and Tetsaru

10 Visitor Messages

  1. Just felt like bugging you is all. How goes it?
  2. Moo...?
  3. /chopfest
  4. Sweet. I've been playing a lot of Xbox and Monster Hunter on my PSP these days, I got AC: For Answer a few days ago, and its my favorite AC game thus far, I liked it a lot more than Last Raven anyways.
  5. Pretty good so far, it's a lot more challenging than PSU anyway. :3 I'm almost ready to unlock Paladin!
  6. Yeah, freetime is always good. I work my ass off all week, but I still manage to get an hour or 2 into my games a day. ;x
    How's FF11 treating ya?
  7. Yup, finishing up my first week. I'll be glad once the weekend gets here so I'll have some gaming time, hopefully. :3
  8. Not much, been busy with work. DX
    Did you start school yet? ;x
  9. Lol, what's up man?
  10. Tetsaruuuuuuuuuuuu
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10