Conversation Between RagolBuilt and Mutsumi_Sanada

59 Visitor Messages

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  1. Et... Right. I don't think I'd play one for the phone. I don't play games on my phone.
  2. One day i will try to make a Phantasy star game on phones and it will be epic lol
  3. I wish I could, but I don't have blue burst and now my laptop isn't working, plus I don't have internet. Only my phone. Only one u can play online is PSP2.
  4. I know, i've been playing PSOBB a lot on my computer in my spare time (which i only like an hour a week lol) I wish you would play
  5. Yeh, FF will always be my favorite, but phantasy star is really addictive.
  6. It was, i just wasn't good at it lol! But now me and RPG's get it on, i always still come back to PSO though or the older versions of it
  7. Maybe RPGs wasn't your thing back then?
  8. I was really young and sucked at RPG's
  9. Seriously? The scorpion machine is pretty easy. o.O;
  10. That's awesome, i could never beat the first boss in seven as a little kid growing up so i never played it again lol. I could probably do it now.
  11. Nah. I don't have any of those anymore. They were stolen. The oldest FF game I have now is FFX. If I had them, I would. Though I liked 7 and 8 better.
  12. Haha i lose everyone in convo's lol. You will get better omg!! Do you ever play FF9 still??! My fav!
  13. Don't say what like that? Hope? Hope for what? You lost me now.
    You THINK it will? That doesn't sound very reassuring.
    So eat something then. I've just been doin missions and playing ffvii crisis core.
    It's alright. Real life comes first.
  14. Don't say it like that, you should always have hope. I believe it will get better for you no matter how harsh the problem is. I need BACON right now! Sorry i'm just hungry lol. What have you been doing? Sorry i'm working seven days a week now that's why i havent been on in a few days.
  15. I wouldn't call it paradise, no.

    Er... Yeh. I guess so. I prefer not to talk about my health or medical life.
    Get better, huh? God I sure hope so.
  16. If playing games and anime all day and going to doctors appointments all the time is fun, then Yeh, I guess so. And my roommates aren't that great sorry to say.

    Nope. Never did any college

    I hope the doctor always has good news for you If not, you will get through it Everyone just misses how it's a gift to even breath, I believe if you don't think its not so great right now, it will always get better.
  17. If playing games and anime all day and going to doctors appointments all the time is fun, then Yeh, I guess so. And my roommates aren't that great sorry to say.

    Nope. Never did any college..
  18. Your life isn't boring and you have your room mates and everything to keep company. I figured you meant to put 'me' lol! I swear being an extern sucks. Did you do any college at all?
  19. My life isn't exciting either, trust me. I dunno. They changed a lot over the years and I'm the youngest of the three of us. Oops. Meant to say "me" not " Mr"
  20. I just thought i would have been for my situation, you know? Anyways my life is boring. Aww why don't they talk anymore? You mean you dad right?
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