Conversation Between Coatl and Gama

7 Visitor Messages

  1. sure if its not extremely complicated
  2. Do you accept requests for symbol art?
  3. gamma usualy starts freaking out when he saw me over psu calling me a copy of his name. oh well. xD i hope you find your friend.
  4. Aw I'm sorry for reminding you. >.<
    Yeah I was friends with Gamma in PSO was wondering if you were him but I guess not. :c
  5. you got me thinking for a moment that you could be zodiac for some reason, and now i miss him -.-"

    anyway for some time on psogc i was actually yellow "remembered o.o"
  6. hm there was a guy called gamma on psobb and eventually on psu. being a racast type and if i'm not mistaken he was french"could b wrong"

    i always called myself gama with 1 m. i usually played with red hucast on psogc and psobb, used the same name as a cast on psu en and psujp although colors changed a bit. also did a great extent of skins for psobb.

    i hope that helps you getting a clear idea of whom i am.
  7. Gamma is that you? Dx
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