Conversation Between KaffeKane and moomoopenguin

2 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm thinking of joining them.
    I already have the DVD of the original PSU, and installed it, did the Windows 7 Gameguard fix, and I'm going to test PSU in offline mode to see if I got my buttons on my controller right.

    I'm currently downloading the parts of the AotI JP installer, and I'm going to burn those to a DVD-RW or two so I don't have to dl them again. X3

    I might need to authorize my card for ISAO to transact from, since some risk management involving my card blocked it the last time that I tried to subscribe, thinking that it wasn't me.

    But despite all this, yes. I'm seriously thinking of joining the JP servers again. I need to take my study of Japanese more seriously, and one of the ways to do it is to immerse myself in it...I think.
  2. Do yo play on the Japanese PSU servers or thinking of joining them?
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