Conversation Between CupOfCoffee and Freshellent

7 Visitor Messages

  1. Oh awesome, I was kinda worried you abandoned it completely to tell you the truth. But I'm really looking forward to it now, good luck writing it! I don't expect it to be anything short of amazing really.
  2. Thanks mang! I know I have been ridiculously terrible about the long story I stopped posting almost a year ago, but I do fully intend to one day finish it. I've written a bit since my last post, but I want to finish it all before I put the rest online. So. Uh. Keep your eyes peeled or something.
  3. Fookin' story was awesome man, always a pleasure.
  4. Sadly I just kind of ran out of steam on that for now. I'll probably pick it back up someday soon and get a lot done and surprise myself, but for the time being I just can't write anymore on that story. It's not the type of setting or style I usually write in, and I part of me kinda knew from the get-go that I might not be able to keep it up. Rah.
  5. As of late, much better! Say, what ever happened to that wonderful fan fic of yours? Or am I crazy?
  6. I am doing DECE. How about you, good sir?
  7. Whoo! Thanks for the add dood. How goes?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7