Conversation Between BIG OLAF and Chidori

12 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm okay. Not really hardcore into PSO2 at the moment; have a lot of other things to catch up with. Glad you can play it again, though.
  2. hey hows it going? got a decent pc recently so i can log back to pso2 and check up on pso world finally
  3. Okay, I see. Was just seeing if you were both versions, or Vita only.
  4. Yeah I've been playing on the vita since vita release of pso2, so almost 2 years now I think
  5. You play the Vita version, right?
  6. Thank you, ma'am.
  7. ah ok! i hope eveything works out for you and you feel better soon!
  8. Eh, it's okay. Been a bit sad on and off lately, but right now I'm decent.
  9. Hey hows it going?
  10. i posted more pictures in my userpage if you wana check em out
  11. Thank you, miss. ❤
  12. Happy Birthday!
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12