Conversation Between halibabica and psofan219

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  1. It sucks! Got my hands on the Chain Sawd however, as well as the Bravace. It's just the Demo Comet and red weapons I need to get... if I can get my GC to work that is!
  2. Yeah, I get irritated at monsters that leave PD's, too. That stuff is like fool's gold. I wouldn't mind so much if I could get online and trade them for AddSlots or something, but my BBA doesn't seem to work.
  3. Oh yeah, sorry for the double post, but I just remembered I also found a Stink Frame and three Graviton Plates.
  4. Here's a list of all SW's (Special Weapons) I found within the last couple days:
    Last Survivor
    Dragon Slayer
    Double Saber (finally!)
    Brave Knuckly
    Angry Fist
    Sting Tip (Love Rappy drop)
    King's Gungnir (not a SW, but it's yellow lettered, so close enough for me)
    and... that's all I can remember at the moment. I'm currently hunting for Chain Sawd, Bravace (oh yeah, Varista and Custom Ray), Demo Comet, and two or three Red weps, all of which are convienantly located in the Caves for me. Vulmer (Chain Sawd) PD'd me twice. At first, I didn't know what was so bad about it, then it happened to me. I cried when I seen that, namely because I had tons of excitement thinking I had just found my Chain Sawd. Nope! PD instead.
  5. I wish! I keep finding junkier versions of the 9-star stuff I already have (and Silence Claws, but they don't count.) I've been busy enjoying some of the new things I found with my Greennill RAmar, though. Asuka, DB's Sword (3062), Flowen's Sword (3060), S-Berill's Hands #0, and Red Saber. Gotta grind my Force up to 130 to make a Summit Moon, too. I don't find new stuff too often, but I like what I find! Except those stupid DB/Flowen sword knockoffs.

    How about you? Anything new and exciting in your arsenal?
  6. Wow, it certainly has been a while since we last chatted. Find anything good in PSO lately?
  7. Not much really. Got to Ruins in Normal (finally), and hit LV20. I haven't been playing it that much really, I need to start up again. The Ruins and Seabed areas are long. It's what makes them so hard for me to complete now... I just don't have the patience to sit and play through the level like I used to.
  8. So, what have you been up to in PSO lately? I haven't had time to play. The Ruins and Seabed are just too much of a time sink as of late! Even though L120 is so close...
  9. Yes, I remember that. Kinda forgot about it actually... I don't know if I answered you or not though... if I didn't, I'm kind of a rock person, but I also listen to jazz and country (though not much, just on rare occurances, or if I'm playing a game). I like the instrumental fusion that jazz offers, and, the kinda tune I guess for country. Tempo, however. "Hali" huh? Alright, done.
  10. Yeah, I have a weird screen name. You could always just call me "hali." Anyway, I posted this before, but I guess it went to the wrong spot. It's from your last PM:

    [old quote from me]Heh, no, I haven't found out anything new about the chime. I still stand by my theory from before, and I'm not done with my RAmar in Ultimate yet. But, once I do finish up there, I'll be back in Normal with a newbie to investigate. Haven't had much time to play lately, though.

    As for music, well, I listen to almost every kind of music imaginable. I have a bunch of videogame soundtracks, but I get most of my stuff from Overclocked ReMix. They're a huge website where people remix game music and submit it for others to download and listen to. They have some really awesome stuff, in every style and genre you can think of. I highly recommend checking it out:

    Otherwise, I'm not much for music from actual artists. There aren't many contemporary songs that hold my interest, although most of what I hear is just on the radio at work. So, what about you? What do you like to listen to?[/old quote]
  11. Hey, do you mind if I shorten your name and call you "H" instead? It'd be kinda easier for me that way... I always have to look at your screenname to figure out how to spell it. Almost spelt it wrong actually once, haha. Anyways, I noticed it's been a short while since we last communicated, and just thought I'd try to strike up another conversation again.
  12. How are you halibabica? Have you found anything about the chime yet? Looks like we all kinda forgot about it, ha ha! I forgot about it myself until I seen the thread actually. I'm not sure if I asked you this or not, but other than PSO, what other kinds of games do you play? Sorry if I asked this already by the way. Nevermind, I looked, and I already asked it. You listen to any kind of music at all?
  13. Cool. The reason I asked that was because I didn't know if the name of the site was illegal to say here or not. From what I get from it, sites ending in .html and the names/other info about that "other subject" (if we're referring to the same thing here, which we most likely are) can't be said. I might be wrong about the .html thing though.
  14. RPG Maker isn't all illegitimate, and a lot of game makers don't even use it anymore. is the biggest site I know of, but people at are a bit friendlier. As for the program itself, well, a quick Google search should tell you everything you could hope to know. Much like a certian subject we're not permitted to broach on this site...
  15. I'm mostly a Nintendo fan as well. RPG Maker? You can make your own RPG games? I wish I could ask, but I'm not sure if the name of the site is illegal here or not. Sounds something I'd be interested in though.
  16. I'm mostly a Nintendo guy, so stuff like Mario, Legend of Zelda, Smash Bros., Pokemon, etc. I also have my own RPG series that I make in RPG Maker, so I spend a lot of time playtesting that.
  17. I heard that the video game industry was in-demand somewhat. Anyways, I'm gonna give it a go and see what turns up. So what other games to do you play besides PSO?
  18. Interesting! You may want to check out accounting yourself, then. I, too, wanted to be a videogame developer, but I heard the industry is hard to break into. Accounting's more in-demand and a good reliable job if videogame stuff doesn't pan out.
  19. Thanks for the suggestion! I'm trying to go for a Software Developer. You know, get to make and test VGs. If I can't get that, then I'm going to try for something that deals with math. If that dosen't work, probably something in the carpentry department or mechanics department.
  20. Cool! What are you going for? You may want to consider trying a bunch of different courses at first and see what suits you best.
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