Conversation Between ArcaneAngelz of MOL and puppyeater:O

19 Visitor Messages

  1. oh so thats why you never cleaned your old mails out. I got it now lol.
  2. i like how it said u only get 9000 mailz so make sure u clear your mail every ounce in a while
  3. hhmm thats werid
  4. idk it lets me get 9000 mailz hahaha
  5. how did you ever get 9000 mails o.O! lol
  6. hahaha i do?lol
  7. oh on here? well no I don't get 9000 mails.
  8. 9000 messages in your inbox+outbox
  9. what do you mean by 9000?
  10. dont u get like 9000???
  11. np. {I have to go over the limit of message so there lol}
  12. ok thx
  13. ok your app is in and your now a member of the guild thanks!
  14. wow now you tell me lol, you have to wait until sega finish fixing there billing site so that you can pay to get one, but I will take your app now alright. thanks!

    Edit: I was checking the Guild Launch site and I didn't get your app yet. If you said that you did it try it again maybe you messed up on doing it.

    Don't click on the launch code part, alright.
  15. i registered 4 ur site but i dont have a guardians license
  16. wazzup
  17. same, but I am right now working on a guild forum site.
  18. im bout u?
  19. hello, thanks for the FR.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 19 of 19