Conversation Between Neith and Konekochan07

12 Visitor Messages

  1. Haha, the game I've heard about. I'm guessing you didn't play because of some of the 'scenes' between characters?
  2. I love the anime, but the video game explains things more. (There's a site that translated it and you can basically buy it. I didn't play it, but it has more of a storyline. Jake played it, I didn't. There's a good reason for that...>.>)
  3. Thanks, I love the anime she's from- watched it a couple of times
  4. Love the pic of Karula! ^-^
  5. Thanks! ^-^ It wasn't a bad B-day at least...^-^ (Found Hizeri/Mind on last run that night...^-^)
  6. Happy Birthday Koneko!
  7. Error 060 is back (right after you logged off Neith). Not sure if it'll go away b4 you come back...
  8. Well, good luck on the Milla hunt again. I have to wait for Neo to get finished with something and Jake to get back on. He re-opened his trouble ticket for Error 060 since it's been happening off and on since last night...
  9. Haha, yeah; I'm waiting to get back on the server

    So glad Gamma is still there, might actually have chance to grab a Milla now.
  10. I'd say you should be happy "Gamma" is still up, but I'm pretty sure you've been hit by Error 060 too...>.> Jake's having the same problem. I'm all alone again! >.> Maybe I'll do some S runs or something...Well, hope Error 060 goes away soon and good luck with your Milla hunt if/when it does! ^-^
  11. Thanks! ^-^ I understand that. We've only been running if other ppl are on. We need more Diads for those P-Wand boards tho...>.> But yeah, thanks for the welcome message and I'll be sure to add you when the request comes in.
  12. Hey Koneko, it's Neith from PSU- I see you finally signed up here, lol.

    Anyway, sorry I haven't been on much lately; I've kinda needed a break from the game a bit more lately once Shred the Darkness finished since I was feeling burned out.

    Welcome to PSOW anyway, I'll drop you a friend request.
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 12 of 12