Conversation Between Vetur and Hobu

5 Visitor Messages

  1. lol. XD
    If I didn't have friends here already, I would. But I can't now.
    Kind of wish there was a way to interact with people on other ships in-game without transferring, even if it were just the lobby.
  2. Go2ship1pls. We'll have lots of naughty... I mean, clean fun together.
  3. Oh, haha. xD If I were on that ship I would so join... but I'm not on that ship.
  4. Haha. Yeah it is. Its not my idea though, it was the team leader's. I'm more of the mascot/vice team leader.
  5. Homoge? Is that what I think it is? XD
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5