Conversation Between Koiwai_Keiji and レッドファンタシースター

6 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy New Years! └( ̄▽ ̄*)
  2. Um I don't play PSPo2 or 2i anymore
  3. Hey, sorry for the late reply. My condolences on your loss; hope you are doing better now. Been busy with work, recently haven't played pspo2i much. My friend got me addicted to collectible card games again >.<. Anyways good luck on w/e your doing currently!
  4. My grandpa just passed away ;_; and my grandma is becoming all depressed and screams more now D:
  5. Yo red, doing well! Hope you are too! ^0^
  6. Hay Keiji How are you?
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6